"I Love You Too, (Y/N)."

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Labrador x Reader

Skipping through the hallways of the church, you greeted nuns and bishops that walked in the opposite direction you were headed to: the library. You were an orphan that was taken in by the church a few years back as a child, and grew up surrounded by the faith. As such, people believed that you had a very sheltered life.

They were wrong.

Books upon books have been read by you. You had learned to experience things through a different medium. Though never been through some of these situations, you were empathetic enough to "experience' what each character went through. But one thing stood out to you. You could never understand or fathom how people could like each other romantically.

Upon reaching the library, you darted to the nearest bookshelf, and snagged the latest book you had taken an interest to. Determined to understand how the two main characters were feeling for each other, you set off to find one of the few most familiar bishops you were close to.

You pranced into the garden as a blonde left through the gate you were to pass. "Hey (Y/N)! What do we have here?" Frau asked as he used two fingers to pull the book that you had gripped tightly in your arms. Frowning a little, you tried to yank it back, only for the book to slip out of both individual's grip and fall open to the page you had left off on. Scrambling over to the book, you were a second too late as the blonde plucked the book off the ground to examine the words printed on the pages. Red burned your face as you tried to grab the book from Frau's grasp by jumping. Frau chuckled as he read a few paragraphs into the page.

Before he could utter another word, a shorter brunette walked up behind you and scowled at the blonde. "One of your perverted books again Frau?" Your cheeks burned even more as you stopped trying to get the book back. The brunette seemed to finally notice your presence as Frau's laughter increased. You shut your eyes and crouched over into a ball, too embarrassed to even come up with an explanation.

"What is with this noise? And what have you done to (Y/N)?" Having had your eyes shut, all you could hear was the book falling to the floor as a body collided with the floor as well. Peeking open one eye, you grabbed the book and hugged it to your chest, closing your eyes yet again to avoid any eye contact. "Frau. What have you done to (Y/N)?" Recognising this voice, you sprung up and hid behind the white robes of Castor, avoiding eye contact with the brunette who was a complete stranger to you.

Groaning from both the pain in his abdomen and the pain for the impact of his fall, Frau rose to his full height and snickered as you peek out from behind Castor's robes. "This chick was reading some sappy romance book. I didn't even know we had that material in our library." The blonde started chuckling again as the brunette's eyes widened, knowing fully well he had just accused someone else of being perverse.

"I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions." The brunette turned to you as he bowed at the waist. You peeked out from Castor's robes again, knowing that it was not polite to not acknowledge someone as they were apologising. "It's just that, Frau is very into those things, and for many reasons, he had hidden some explicit content in plain sight. Specifically as other books." He bowed once again as you nodded, accepting his apology.

Smiling, Castor patted your head, making you look up to him. Frau's chuckles seem to die down as another shadow loomed over you. "Seeing as we need to patch up and get some introductions in, why not we all come to my garden, and I can make us all some tea?" Labrador piped up as he patted your head from behind. You beamed at him and nodded your head, as the brunette smiled down at you. You were just a few years younger than him, and he had the urge to protect you as a younger sibling.

Castor turned back to Frau, obviously unhappy about the blonde making the young girl uncomfortable, but left it at that to avoid the young girl from picking up violence. Frau snickered and followed the four into the greenhouse.

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