This Better Be Our Wedding Cake

122 4 1

Castor x Reader

(F/B) = Favourite bakery

"Leave. Now." You were furious at the amount of perverted men that were flocking to you like birds to breadcrumbs. Born into the line of royalty, your parents announced that you had come of age, and was to find a suitor. In an instant, men from all countries came to try and court you. But none caught your heart, instead irritated you to no end. No doubt that all had dressed presentably to the ball for you to find suitors, however you knew every speck of dirt on each and everyone of their backgrounds. Being a princess to the most respected kingdom, you had found a way to be street smart, and acquire knowledge. Your bedroom could even double as a library of biographies with all the information that it stored.

You then looked into the disappointed eyes of the men as they walked away. You huffed in annoyance as you rubbed your temple. Today was supposed to be the day that you would go out with your best friend, Castor. You then got up from your seat at the top of the stairs. Getting irritated at the fact that your father had forced you to seat at his throne in the middle of nowhere, you grumbled to your room as you thought of how stuffy the puffed pink with too much sparkles dress you were wearing. Looking down at it once more, you scowled in disgust and thought about how it looked like those animated kids shows' princess' dress. You shivered at the thought of it and rushed off to change into something more comfortable and less attention-seeking.

Once in your (F/H) t-shirt and dark blue jeans, you ran your hand through your hair to straighten it out from the hairspray that your mother had ordered the maids to put it in. You scratched your head, wondering what goes through your parent's minds. You then remembered your appointment and grabbed your (F/H) bag. You then slipped on a pair of low heels before heading out. Maids bowed to you as you walked. You just sighed. You could not take having people attending to your every need. In fact, you were frustrated. You were very independent, and this only made your father look like he did not trust you to take care of yourself.

You walked out the door and smiled as the sun shone onto you. Just as you were about to take another step, the doors flung open, showing your father's surprised face. You looked at him questioningly as he cleared his throat. "And where might you be heading off to young lady?" You gave him a "really?" look before placing your right hand on your hip, resting on your right leg. Your father then gave a look of remembrance before heaving a sigh. Of annoyance or irritation, you had no clue. "Look (Y/N), I need you here. Cancel if you have to but stay. I need all the hands I can get." This made you furious.

"No way. Not even a day's rest? Heck no. I'm going and that's that." You stood your ground and turned around to walk away. Your expression softened the moment you turned around; there in front of you was Castor, smiling happily at the foot of the staircase that lead up to the front door to your home. You happily sped down the steps to hang out with your childhood friend. You laughed, talked, ate and did almost everything you could think of. And now, the both of you were seated on a hill, watching the sun set. A smile was still plastered on your face as you remembered all that you did in the day. You then heard Castor's voice cut through the comfortable silence.

"How are you coping with the men?" This made you scowl and rant about how all the men had much more dirt on them than they even knew. All Castor did was listen as you vented your anger and sigh at the end. "I figured as much." He was silent again. You looked down on the town, trying to rid your mind of the men's faces. "How about I take these problems away from you?" You quirked and eyebrow and looked up at him. His face reflected dead seriousness. This caused you to fidget under his stare. You then opened your mouth to say something, but closed it right back for not even being able to form coherent thoughts. You then cast your eyes at the setting sun before heaving a sigh.

You then turned back with the brightest smile you could muster at the moment. "And how would you do that may I ask?" You then remembered where he got his confidence from. Being a prince, a skilled swordsman and an intelligent strategist, he had already proven himself to be one of, if not the toughest man in the continent. Your smile then turned sad. You looked back at the sun. Just as you were about to leave, he spoke up, causing your whole body to jerk forward with a full blown blush.

"By marrying you." Where the three words that had you rooted to the floor, hiding your blush from your childhood friend, as well as long term crush. You never knew when you started liking him romantically. It kind of happened along the way, little by little; until you fell helplessly in love with him. However you were always the worrier type, and sealed those feelings just to keep yourself safe. Shaking your head vigorously, your hair fell into your face. You looked up through your messy hair to see that Castor was staring down at you with all the seriousness he could muster. And all you could think about was how intimidating, but comforting he looked.

Not totally believing him, you straightened your posture, but failed miserably as he pushed your messy hair behind your ears. You blushed harder, but as you were about to turn around to hide your blush, he pulled your chin up to make you look at him. "(Y/N), I am being serious here." You then averted your gaze to the almost-set sun. Without warning, he had leaned in and given you a peck on the lips. You were so shocked, your gaze was back on him, but his face now reflected that of relief. Overcoming the shock, you flung your arms around him and grinned like there was no tomorrow.

He smiled and lead you to your places under the tree that also resided your (F/H) bag. He then pulled out a (F/C) after saying that he had a surprise for you. You squealed with joy and clapped your hands together. He grinned and placed the cake down on the floor. You searched the box that said (F/B). You then pulled out two forks and passed one to Castor. He smiled, took the fork and said a small thank you. You took a bite and almost immediately, the flavour of the cake exploded in your mouth. You turned to Castor and squealed excitedly,

"This Better Be Our Wedding Cake."


Please give feedback. Criticism is accepted as well. Thanks!

~lover of fiction

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