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Frau x Reader


They amazed you. Whether it was in a dessert, forest, or even in the city, they would always remain in the sky. Many times, you had been caught laying on the ground, stargazing and naming the constellations as your finger landed on the constellation in your line of vision. Many times you have been caught sleeping and waking up on the ground that you had lain on the night before. But the moment you had come into an accident, your stargazing habits had ceased.

"Father! Why can't I go out? The stars in the sky are waiting for me. Why must I be in my bed and hooked up to so many machines?" Disbelief was clear in your voice as the look of pain was etched into your father's face as he walk toward your bed after closing the door. As it closed however, you could hear your mother weeping while the family doctor let out hushed words that seemed to be the cause of your ageing mother's sorrow. Whatever the doctor had said, it angered you. How could he let your mother cry? Before you could even start thinking for an answer, your father had reached down to touch your cheek as you looked up to him.

Tears stung the corner of his eyes as the wrinkles on his face acted as a channel to the tears as he looked at your tattooed limbs. Your disbelief wavered, and you started to accept the fact. You were not going to be out and about anytime soon.

It all started when you had gone shopping with some friends. After the shopping spree, your group had split up to go back home. Waving them off, you walked down an alleyway which was a shortcut to your home. You had suddenly heard a whisper. Being the curious person you were, you wandered into the shadows with your sole shopping bag, noting the way out. You soon came to a child who had his back against the wall and in close to no clothes. You were startled and kneeled down to reach out for the child. But as you did, a small smile etched on his face, causing you to freeze for a moment. Another whisper rang and you knew it was not the boy. You took a step back only to be frozen again by your instincts. You discreetly turned around only to be met with a pair of wings made out of skeletons. You shrieked and took a step back as the whisper grew louder.

'You have already satisfied two of your wishes. The last one is almost invalid. I shall skip the questions and claim your soul myself.' You screamed and dropped the bag, attempting to run, but it was too late. The pair of wings had vanished and you felt a sudden heaviness in your soul. You dropped to your knees and fought and oncoming headache. Having been freed from the kor, the child had started to become weaker. As he fell, you fell too. You did the only thing you could do. You reached into your shopping bag and pulled out a communication device your father had given you on your tenth birthday. It worked on the user's ziaphon, causing you to get weaker every second you used it.

"Father! I... am in the alleyway... a corner... before the house... please... find me..." Just as your father screamed to know your wellbeing, you fell head first on the stone cold floor. Looking up at the star filled sky, you smiled before passing out. The next time you had been awake, was when you felt like you had been drugged. You had reached your dominant hand up to rub your throbbing head as your eyes were clenched shut. A high pitched ring dwelled in your ears as you reached your other hand up to cover you ears. "Stop! Please! Make it stop!" You yelled out. You could not even hear the slam the door made as your father heard your screams and barged into the room. A shake of your shoulders jolted you and stopped the incessant ringing for a short while before coming back at a lower pitch. Your father looked over at you and smiled weakly before engulfing you into a hug. Fatigue took over fairly quickly and you fell limp.

This brings us back to the present where you are lying on your bed, waiting to be transported to a church that could supposedly help with the kor in your body. But with the kor in your body, it was almost impossible to move. Trying to move your hand would only elicit the reaction of a twitch of your finger. So a vehicle was going to be used to transport you to the church. Just as you were about to sigh, a knock was heard on your door. You rolled your eyes as you thought about a sarcastic remark. Politely inviting the person in, you were shocked to see a tall male step in after your father had. You stared at the blonde as your father walked up to you. "(Y/N), he's the transportation the church has sent. Please don't question it." You nodded curtly, understanding your situation.

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