I Can See You

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Kal x Reader

"Dammit... I hope I'm not too late..." You muttered under your breath as you rushed to change into your working attire. You were a guide for the blind, and was assigned to be a care taker of a man you only knew as Kal. Rushing to the venue to meet, you almost tripped on several occasions due to medium sized rocks embedded into the ground, tiny pebbles and sometimes roots that stuck out from the occasional sightings of trees. At last the array of flowers came in to view and soon a building came in to sight. You sped up as the seconds ticked down to the time of the meet up.

Bursting through the doors, you rested your body mass on your hands that rested on your knees and panted. Finally slowing your breathing down, you looked to the white clock as it read 7 o'clock. Just on time. This brought you to your senses and made you become aware of your surroundings. You were at the neighbourhood hospital, which was well equipped, and very popular for the high chance of recovery rate of the hospital and attitude of the staff. You then walked up to the front desk and asked one of the nurses stationed there. "Excuse me, I am (Y/N) and I believe I was supposed to meet a Doctor Kurogami and his patient, Kal."

One of the nurses, whom you had gain the attention of, smiled and said, "Ah yes... They are in the first room down this hallway, on your right." The nurse said while she pointed to the hallway that was furnished with white mosaic tiles on the walls, marble flooring, and off-white ceiling with elongated lightings lining the entire hallway. Surprisingly, not many people were at the hospital. From your past experience, you knew how crowded the hospital usually was. Giving the nurse a soft smile and curt nod, you were on your way to meet with this person named Kal.

And his doctor.


"... as such, you have been assigned a guide. She should be here anytime now." You could hear Doctor Kurogami finishing off his sentence. You calmed your self down in a split second and knocked on the door twice. "Come in." Doctor Kurogami had called you in. And you didn't have to be told twice and pushed the door open tentatively. Soon you could see the beaming doctor, and a man with black spiked hair with a bandage over his eyes. He had sharp features, a tall and surprisingly muscular build. You caught yourself staring, and blinked several times while thanking the heavens, just this once, he could not see you. Soon you heard chuckling, and turned your head to see the doctor amused and totally entertained.

You realised that he had caught you staring and must have thought it would be great to tease you. Though the chuckles were quite loud, the blind man never so much as moved a muscle. "Well then. You two should introduce yourselves since you two will be working together from now on." The doctor suggested after his chuckling fit was over. Smiling, you thought that the doctor had gotten over the previous subject, and wanted to move on. "Hello. I'm (F/N) (L/N), and from today onwards, your guide." Beaming, the doctor turned to the man and told him to introduce himself. Sighing he gave in and said, "The name's Kal. And really appreciate the help." Thought faint, you could hear the reluctance in his voice as he neared the end.

Giving a huff and putting on a positive façade, you talked to the doctor about his condition and how his character was. Soon you were on your way to the place he had wanted for lunch. Day in day out, you stayed by his side as his aid and slowly but surely, his companion. Soon, instructions became conversations and conversations because hearty laughs. The day came whereby even a person like you, strong willed, neglecting one's own personal emotions and many more, began to cherish these moments.

A new day had come as you awoke from your home. You then got ready for another day with your companion, Kal. Walking out of your home, you walked to his home to pick him up for the day. You knocked on the door and heard shuffling behind it before a soft "Coming" could be heard. You took a step back and admired the scenery that Kal's house faced. Though the city was full with buildings next to, behind and right in front of each other, Kal had managed to find a home facing a beautiful garden. Patches of white, blue red and many other colours decorated the background of green. Pearly white pavements brightened the garden while colourful butterflies flew about.

Soon the door swung open, revealing Kal. You smiled and grabbed his hand, seeing that he was fully clothed, and pulled him out the door. "Hold up (Y/N), I need to lock the door." You could hear the amusement in his voice as he pulled you back. Blushing a bit, you complied and lead him back to his door to lock it. Once done, you grinned and guided him to the garden that filled the space in front of his home. You pulled him over to a bench and sat him down before telling him you were going to get a drink for the both of you. You walked over to a vending machine and bought two apple juices, knowing that he preferred them over orange juice.

You brought the canned drink back and placed one on the bench to open the one in your hand. You then passed the drink to Kal before picking the other can up, opening it and sitting down yourself. You looked up at the sky and smiled brightly at it. "Beautiful." You heard Kal say. Puzzled at what he would think was beautiful, you turned to see him facing you. You blushed and questioned, "W-what is?" "You." Was all he said before letters failed to unscramble. The letters just flew in your mind, unable to convert them to coherent words. To the outside people, the look on your face resembled one of a stunned person. Kal chuckled and placed his hand that held his drink on his lap.

He then pushed your half raised hand down and leaned in. You, being a stunned woman, did not move, instead complied with him as he pushed your hand down. Nearing you, Kal quickened his pace and gave you a peck on your lips. Assuming he was embarrassed as well, his face flushed. But since he turned away from you a moment after, you were not sure. You just looked back up to the sky and asked him a question. "So if you said that I was b-beautiful, does that mean you can see me?" You stuttered at the word he had used to describe you, thinking that you were nothing like that word suggested. However his next words along with a grin washed the doubts away for that moment.

"I Can See You."


I don't even know... And I am so sorry. I m going through a slight trauma so I really need some time to recover. Thank you for your kind understanding.

~lover of fiction

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