No Boundaries

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Lance x Reader

Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait?
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you lost your way

You timidly walked into the church. Feeling jumpy towards every little sound, vibration and flash of colour. Looking from side to side, faces upon faces stretched for as far as you could see. Today was strangely the most busy day the church has had in a while. It was almost as if people agreed to seek the church's salvation on this very day. Closing your eyes and facing back down to the floor, you started to use your senses to find the one person you had come to see.

And what if my chances were already gone?
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away

Stepping to the side of the crowd, you walked over to your destination and opened your eyes to see a door. Taking a sharp breath, you knocked on the door twice, stepped back and exhaled. Shuffling could be heard on the other side, before the door was hesitantly swung open. You put on your best smile and greeted the person. "Good morning Teito-san." The brown haired boy looked shocked as he looked from side to side before focusing back on you. He then grabbed your arm and pulled you into his room, startling you and eliciting a gasp.

So here I am still holding on

Scanning the room, you were startled to find 4 bishops huddled together. Whispers could be heard. Faint, and a little less than audible. Apparently they were talking about who you were and why Teito knew you. Feeling a little out of place, you cleared your throat as Teito hung his head low, obviously embarrassed by the audible ongoing conversation. Their heads snapped up to you giving you their undivided attention while acting as if there were not just gossiping about you while you were in the room. You hesitantly smiled and greeted them. "(Y/N), this is Frau, Castor, Labrador and Lance." Teito introduced you to them from left to right, all the while, the so called 'Frau' was smirking and the others smiling.

"Stupid brat, when did you get a girlfriend and how come we didn't know?" Frau questioned with a knowing smirk. At that, Teito blushed as you smiled ever so brightly. Castor's glasses glinted in the darkness as her brought a book down onto Frau's head. But before it even touched, you were in front with the most expressionless face with your hand at the throat of the freakishly tall blonde. Everyone was shocked. All except Teito who just called out to you, causing you to stop. You sighed and released your hold on his throat, causing him to choke quite violently before gasping for some air. You walked back a few steps and smiled back at them.

"(Y/N)'s family has been serving my family for ages. Even when I lost my memory, she has followed me to the point she infiltrated the military by being one of the prisoners for the students to go up against in sparring." Teito looked over at you and sighed. "I would love for her to lead a normal life but she just follows me and protects me even when I don't need protecting." You narrowed your eyes a little and looked down. All this while... You were holding Teito back? You felt a hand touch your shoulder, which you looked up to.

With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing

You looked up to see the face of the three whom you assumed were bishops from what they were wearing. Lance, who put his hand to your shoulder bent down and wiped a tear you didn't know you had shed away. Castor and Labrador smiled fondly at you before asking you to smile, to which you did. A loud shout could be heard by Frau who looked like a ruffian, followed by a thump of the ground. The four of you looked over to the source of the noise and found Frau on the floor and Teito crossing his arms and facing another way. The four of you giggled. And thats how you first met these trouble making bishops.

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