[45] "You owe me four hundred dollars."

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[45] "You owe me four hundred dollars."

Austin Texas

Ethan woke up from his sleep when he heard a noise come from the kitchen area. Sierra had left him, and Sammie was on still on the Spring Break trip, so he wasn't expecting anyone in his home. Zeke and Sydney had a spare key, but they never popped up unannounced, so it put him on high alert instantly. His immediately thought it was an intruder, so he slowly moved towards the closet and got his gun from the safe.

When he came home earlier, he crashed from exhaustion. Lately, he had been occupying himself with work. He left early in the morning and returned in the evenings. It kept him busy and kept his pockets stacked but no matter what he did, he couldn't take his mind off of his wife. It didn't help that he was reminded that he was alone when he went to be at night.

Rounding a corner, he heard what sounded like a cabinet close. What in the world were they looking for? Ethan didn't know what to expect so when he stepped in he pointed his Smith and Wesson and dropped it a second later after he recognized the person creeping around his kitchen. She was staring at him now with her hands on her hips.

"Is this how we greet people now, by pointing a gun at them?"

Hearing Sierra's voice was music to his ears. She had refused to speak or see him for weeks. He had to stop himself from rushing across the room and embracing her. Would he be considered a punk if he started to cry?

He put the gun on the counter and gave Sierra his full attention. "I didn't expect you to be here. You look incredible CeCe."

She turned away from him to hide her smile. She didn't like the power he had over her. "Stop lying, I'm fat." She started washing dishes again. They were all piled in the sink. "Sammie is hoping the baby's a boy, but I have a feeling she's a girl. My ass is spreading like crazy this second time around." Sierra jumped when she felt Ethan's hand wrap around her waist to rest on her growing belly. She closed her eyes and savored the contact of his lips against her neck

"Believe it or not, in all the years I've known you, I thought you were the most stunning when you were pregnant with Sammie and now." He remembered once upon a time when he was younger that he valued his freedom and pictured being tied to one person as the worse thing in the world. Now being without his wife was going to be the death of him. "Please tell me you're coming back home. I don't think I can live without you." He had tried to apologize by sending gifts. He frowned when Sierra was send everything back to him.

Sierra turned and faced him. "I still hate you."

"That's fine. Hate me forever, just come back to me."

Her eyebrows lifted. "You would be okay with that. I would make your life miserable."

"It already is without you."

Sierra took a deep breath. "When I first met you, I hated you."

"You loved me; you just didn't know it."

Sierra cover his mouth with her hand. He had let his mustache grow out, and she felt hair brush against her fingertips. "Shutup. I prepared a full speech and damn it, I'm going to fucking say it."

He moved her hand. "Go ahead, Sierra Coleman."

She rolled her eyes. "Stop thinking that you got me. I could just be coming by the check on your pitiful ass. I heard how you've been sulking around without me. Look at this house, it's a mess. Look at you!" she pointed out.

"I need my woman back." He tried to step close, but Sierra pushed him back.

"Slow your roll, homey."

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