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Pride. Nearly all sins can be caused by pride. Lust. Why shouldn't I have her. I deserve her. I'm the best, and she's the best looking. Don't I deserve the best? Who does that sound like? *cough* Gaston *cough* yep! He was completely arrogant, thinking he was great, and deserving of Belle. Dishonoring someone. He is a disgrace, I'd never do something like that! Dishonor! Dishonor on you; dishonor on your cow... How many of you recognize that reference? *cough* Mushu *cough* wow! Lots of Disney references today! And let's not forget one of the most notable story in the bible on pride. With... He-who-shall-not-be-named... No, it's not the dude with no nose. And actually you can say his name, there's nothing taboo about it or anything. Lucifer, or more commonly known as Satan. Satan, basically thought Well, I'm the most beautiful angel, and the smartest. In fact, I'm the top angel, with only God above me! Wait? Why is God above me? Why shouldn't I be first? The rest is history. He managed to sway 1/3 of the angels to him, and he and his demons have been waging war against God, his angels, and us since then.
There is actually a lot I could mention about it, especially on depression. Yes, depression is a twisted form of pride. I will get to that eventually, just not today. So, I'll leave off with this. The saying "Pride comes before a fall." It's true. For Gaston, literally. And God hates pride. It is a sin which we must confess to God, and ask for His forgiveness. After all, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. He doesn't just not like it, he opposes it! Pride is an enemy of God. So I beg of you, turn from this sin that He opposes, repent, and turn towards the perfect Father.

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