-13- / -Argue like a married couple-

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Part. 13 -Argue Like A Married Couple.-

"Tonight We Are Victorious, Champagne Pouring Over Us"

Panic! At The Disco


"Get up now!" An obnoxious voice screamed beside my ear.

"Leave me alone!" I groaned softly.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Riley jumped on top of my bed, shaking my body. I yanked her leg and she came tumbling down beside me,

"Let me sleep!" I screamed.

"Shouldn't have done that.." Riley giggled softly to herself.

"Goodnight." She whispered, before slamming the door. I rolled back over in my bed and snuggled back up into my blanket.

Finally, some peace and quite.


I squinted my eyes to look at what this annoying sound was coming from.

6:56 AM

Well shit.

I'm late.

And I have a test first period.

It 40% of my grade.

I jumped out of my bed and bolted towards the bathroom, stripping my clothes off and jumping into the shower. In less than 6 minutes, I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, and ran back into my room. I looked quickly through my closet and grabbed a black Arctic Monkeys shirt and black skinny jeans with my light Timbs.  I ran back into my bathroom and brushed my hair, before leaving the room, grabbing my cellphone and bag, and running down the stairs. I glanced over at the time on the microwave and sighed.

7:12 AM

I grabbed and apple and stopped for a second, noticing how dark it was outside for 7, before hoping into my jeep, turning it on.

6:46 AM

I laughed lightly. "Well done Riley."

I pressed my head against the seat, rolling my eyes. I backed out of the house and headed towards school while eating my apple.

I pulled up into the school and rolled my eyes when a large poster stared me down.


If you want a mean teacher, here you have it. She is known for her "literal mean teacher appearance." She's the worst, I mean, she would literally drop your grade down to a D for even the slightest spelling error.

I understand that she has to deal with grade A brats who believe they own the world but jesus, cut the good kids some slack?

I took out keys of my car, grabbed my book bag, and got out. A nice cool breeze hit me as I made my way over to a tree, sitting down. I quickly flipped the page of my new book, 13 Reasons Why-

"What are you reading?" A voice spoke beside me, and I nearly screamed. I whipped my head over to my left, seeing a grossing smile on Hayden's face.

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