Chapter 1

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"Great just another day of hell" Frank thought to himself and he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

Frank hated school more than anything in his life. That included his abusive father. He hated his father a lot he really did but he hated school more. The constant bullying and abused he received just about put him over the edge.

As Frank got up he quickly went over to his mirror and tried his best to make his messy hair look somewhat presentable. He moved his hands through it carefully trying to get every hair looking nice.

After doing his hair and getting dressed, he walks over to his mirror once again and grabbed the eyeliner which he had sitting above the mirror on the frame. He carefully put on his eyeliner, grabbed his backpack, and walked out the door. Not even saying goodbye to his father who had been passed out on the couch.


The walk to school was no more than 3 blocks. Frank hated that he lived so close to school. It was like being neighbors with the devil, just bad all around.

As Frank approached the front doors to the school he noticed something. The school seemed different. Besides the freshman running around frantically trying to find their classes and the teachers trying to keep everyone in check, something seemed different and Frank just couldn't figure out what.

As Frank walked down the hallway to his locker he stuck in his headphones. He always did that when he came to school. He tried to block out other people as much as he could. Sometimes when he was walking he would even close his eyes as pretend he wasn't even there. He decided that he wanted to do that, nobody else was in the hallway yet anyway.

He continued walking and walking in the what seemed like never ending hallways of his school until was quickly stopped. Before he could think he was on the ground and coughing. He had been hit in the chest pretty hard. He opened his eyes to see to hazel eyes looking down at him worryingly.

"I-I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you I just in lost and I-I don't know what to do and-"

"It's fine." Frank said simply. He hadn't seen this guy before. He seemed to be the same age as Frank and quite a bit taller, but then again everybody was taller than Frank. That was another thing Frank hated, his height.

"Um, could you help me? I'm just a little lost and confused. I'm new." The stranger said quietly.

"Yeah sure. Where you headed?"


"I'm going there too. You can walk with me if you'd like." Frank said trying to sound nice but in actuality he could care less about the stranger.

"Yeah sure. Thanks. I'm Gerard, Gerard Way." The stranger said.

Frank thought for a bit. He liked that name, it suited the stranger well. Frank smiled thinking about what had happened less than 5 minutes ago,  Gerard's beautiful eyes looking down at him, he just giggled.

"What's so funny?" Gerard said tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Nothing, I'm Frank. Frank Iero. Nice to meet you Gerard." Frank said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, Frankie."


After a few goes of boring classes, most of which Frank had with Gerard, Frank walked out into the hall. He took out his schedule looking to his next class. He scanned the paper carefully bus was interrupted when he felt someone grab his arm. He looked up and nearly froze with fright.

There stood in front of him was his childhood nightmare, his bully, Bert. Bert was never nice to anyone to being with, but especially not Frank since he came out 2 years ago. Yeah, Frank came out when he was in high school and he kind of regretted it, ever since that day his life had been a living hell of trying to escape his bully.

Frank just stared as Bert smirked and pushed Frank against the lockers. Frank by the floor and coughed trying to recover from the blow.

"What's wrong faggot?" Bert said chuckling.

Frank hated that word more than anything in his life, even more that school. He hated that he was called that everyday and it made him want to just explode with how much anger the word brought him.

Frank just frowned as Bert walked away, chuckling. He wanted to get up, he really did, but his energy was gone. His will was gone.

Frank was left with nothing. He felt alone. He wanted to cry but he knew he'd get shit for it so with all his might he pulled himself off of the ground and ran to the bathroom.

He opened the bathroom and shut it behind him with a slam and looked around the bathroom. Fortunately, nobody else was in the bathroom. Frank the turned back to the door and moved the lock into place making sure nobody else would be able to see what he was about to do.

He quickly threw his backpack onto the ground and unzipped one of the pockets. He pulled out a sharp blade, maybe 3 inches at the most, and stood up. He pulled his sleeve up and carefully pulled the blade across his arm. Within seconds a red liquid appeared from the slashes. It drained from his wrists and down into the sink leaving pools of it.

Frank just closed his eyes as the blood ran from his wrists. Tears started to run down his face but he didn't care. That is until he felt someone's presence and opened his eyes turning them toward the door where he saw Gerard standing, looking ever so frightened by Frank's arm.

Frank didn't care really, he turned his eyes away from Gerard and continues to make slashes across his arm.

"Stop!" Gerard said grabbing Frank's arm. He quickly took the blade from Frank and threw it across the room. Gerard could see the color draining from Frank's face from the loss of blood. He looked paler than usual and Gerard was terrified of what would happen.

Gerard walked over to the First Aid kit on the wall and opened it, pulling out a roll of bandages, some tape, and rubbing alcohol. He ran over to Frank and turned on the water to the sink. Frank just sat there quietly, watching as Gerard carefully washed out the cuts.

"This might hurt a bit" Gerard said as he pour some alcohol into a piece of toilet paper. Frank just nodded his head.

Gerard took a deep breath and put the paper towel to Frank raw skin. Frank winced in pain and with his good arm grabbed Gerard's hand, squeezing it tight. Gerard smiled and squeezed back.

"There I'm done with that" Gerard said throwing he paper towel away. He then grabbed the bandages and wrapped up Frank's arm. Frank smiled at his arm. He knew it would heal in a month or so with the care that Gerard gave it.

"Come over to my house tonight, you'll need your bandages changed and I know you won't do it." Gerard said looking at Frank kindly.

"Fine." Was all Frank said as he grabbed his backpack and walked out.

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