Part 11

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It's been a week since Gerard told Frank that he had to go to therapy and today was the day.

As Frank walked to the front door of the office like building he was scared. He didn't want to go with his father so Gerard scheduled them on different days of the week.

"It's okay Frank" Gerard said as he grabbed Franks hand tightly.

Frank squeezed Gerard's hand back.

"Whatever you say" Frank took in a deep breath before walking in.

Frank was greeted by a familiar smell. It smelled like the dentist. He hated it already but he couldn't just walk out. He knew he had to do this not only for himself, but for Gerard.

As he walked to the front desk he saw a women sitting at a desk.

"Hello, do you have an appointment sir?" The women asked kindly.

"Um yeah, Frank Iero"

The women typed a bit on her computer and then turned back to Frank "ok I'll let her know you're here, take a seat over there"

Frank and Gerard walked over to the collection of chairs in the corner of the room. They took a seat and waited. Franks heart was beating extremely fast. This was the most nervous he'd been in a while.

Gerard just watched Frank. He didn't want to say anything but he was a little worried about how Frank would react.

"Frank Iero?" A voice said. Frank looked up and saw a girl, she didn't look much older than Frank himself.

"Yeah that's me" Frank said as he stood up.

"Come with me" she said kindly.

Frank followed the young women to a room. Inside there where many chairs sat in a circle.

Frank sat down at the chair closest to the door. Soon many people started to come in, many of which didn't look so happy to be there either.

Once all but one chair was full the doctor sat down. She looked around the room please that everyone showed up and then said "hello everyone! I'm Dr. Ross. Call me Rachel if you'd like. Now can we all go around and say our names and a quick little sentence or two about ourselves.

Dr. Ross turned to the girl beside her. "I'm Alicia, I'm here because my brother died and it caused a lot of emotional trauma for me" she was quite a skinny girl and Frank thought she was quite cute. Like a little doll or something.

Then a boy, "I'm Alex, my boyfriend Jack told me that I should come here because I've been really depressed lately. I'm also in a small band"

Then it was another girl, she also seemed quite skinny, but she wasn't as nice looking as the other. She was wearing black skinnies and a ripped up grey top. She had medium length brown hair and dark eyes.

"I'm Lina, call me Jett. If you call me Lina I will most likely stab you so don't try me. I'm forced to go here by doctors and yeah that it really. Also I have about O tolerance for any of this bullshit so if I where you I'd let me leave just about now" Jett didn't seem too happy to be here.

"Sorry Lina, not happening" dr. Ross said.

"Jett" she hissed.

Then it was me.

"I'm Frank. I came here after severe trauma with my dad and he goes too. Not now obviously but on other days. I play guitar and have a super cool boyfriend and he's waiting outside for me. My birthdays on Halloween and I really like dogs too" I think I spoke a little too much but nobody seemed to care, that is except for Jett.

"Wow a little over achiever" she snorted.

"Shut it brat" Frank snapped.

She just crossed her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes.


After what seemed like hours, therapy was over and Frank could leave.

Gerard stood up when he heard people coming from the hallway and soon Frank emerged.

"Hello Frankie, how was therapy?" Gerard asked kindly.

"It wasn't so bad I guess. Thanks for making me go Gee. I really needed it" Frank said as he leaned up and kissed Gerard.

Gerard kissed back and then grabbed Frank's hand and pulled him out the door.

"I love you Frankie" Gerard said on the way out.

"I love you too Gee" Frank smiled back.

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