Part 10

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"Gerard, are you are you should come home with me?" Frank asked as they walked home from school. Frank knew his father would be there when he got home and he feared it.

"Yeah Frankie, you need protection and I'm here"

"Yeah let's just think back to the last time you tried to protect me gee" Frank giggled.

"I'm sure your dad isn't like taking 5 guys at once Frank" Gerard laughed.


As the two got to Frank's house Frank knew instantly he would regret this. He saw his fathers car in the driveway.

Gerard grabbed Frank's hand and held it tight. "It's okay Frankie. I'm here"

Frank took in a deep breath and led Gerard up the porch stairs.

He then opened the door ever so quietly and was quickly bombarded with yelling and screaming.

He knew exactly who it was and ran down the hallway, Gerard running right after Frank toward the yelling.

Frank walked in on his father pushing Summer against the wall, he assumed that his father was doing something that he didn't even want to think about to her.

"Get off her you fucking asshole!" Frank yelled as he grabbed his dad and threw him off of summer and into the wall opposite or them.

Gerard stood in the doorway watching, he'd never seen Frank like this. Frank didn't even seem angry, he just seemed disappointed in his father.

"Don't tell me what to do you little shit" his father yelled as he threw an empty vodka bottle as Frank, missing him by only a few inches.

"Bastard" Frank said as he walked over and grabbed his father by his shirt and started to punch him.

"Frank stop" Gerard said as he stepped in and pulled Frank away from his father, who lay on the ground.

His father took one look at Gerard and just laughed "who's this? Your faggot boyfriend?" He snorted.

"Yeah it actually is" Frank said as he leaned over and planted a kiss on Gerard's lips.

Gerard pushed Frank away "I'd love to Frank but no"

"Listen sir, I know you're sad and mad and stuff, but they have councilors for that." Gerard said as he walked calmly over to Frank's father.

"Be careful Gerard he might rape you too" Frank said.

"Frank! Quit being a dick! He might have been a huge asswipe but he's still your father." Gerard snapped.

Frank just looked down.

"I'm not going to a damn councilor, I have no money and they're a fucking waste anyways" Franks dad grumbled.

"No they're not. Trust me, I went to therapy for 7 years. When I was 10 I started going, my mother made me and at first I hated it. I thought it was a waste but after a while I grew to like it and it really helped me. I learned to deal with my problems in different ways and if you'd like I'd even pay for you to go" Gerard day as he knelt down by franks father.

"You would do that? But I've never ever met you and you don't know what I've done"

"I don't care, I'd do it anyways. I'm Gerard by the way." Gerard said as he put his hand out for franks father to shake.

"Frank" was all he said, he then shook Gerard's hand and stood up. "Thank you"

Frank them walked out, leaving his father and Gerard and a terrified Summer in the room.

He went upstairs to his room and shut the door quietly. He started to pace his room.

"God I hate my life! How come when I try to do that he just beats the shit out of me but when Gerard did it it was just a smile and a handshake? Why the fuck do I have to have such a shitty life? What did I do?" Frank yelled as he threw himself onto his bed.

He then remembered the razor hidden in his drawer. He hopped off his bed and walked to the dresser, grabbing the blade and walking to the bathroom connected to his room.

He walked in and looked at himself in the mirror.

"God I'm ugly, I'm gross, my father was right, I'm a stupid worthless piece of shit and i deserve to die" Frank said as he threw off his clothes. He stripped down into nothing but his boxers. He then hopped in the shower and turned on the water. He then sat down in the shower and grabbed the blade off the where he has set it on the side of the tub and carefully pulled it across the skin on his arm.

He did a few more lines carefully and then started to loosen up. He didn't care if the cuts were deep, he didn't care if he bled to death in this ducking shower. It didn't matter to him because he wanted to die.

He then pulled the blade across his arms a few more times before he felt someone grab him.

He opened his eyes and immediately recognized the hands. They were beautiful.

"Gee get out" Frank said grumpily.

"No. I'm not leaving you in here to die Frank" Gerard said as he grabbed the blade and threw it across the room. "I'm took all of these by the way" Gerard said.

"You're going to ruin your clothes Gerard" Frank said quietly.

"I don't care Frank. All I care about is getting you cleaned up and signing not only your dad but you up for therapy"

"What! No I'm not going." Frank said as he pushed Gerard away from him.

"I don't care what you want Frank. You have turned to cutting to many times and you're going to hurt yourself really bad one day and I won't be able to fix it. Ellie will be there too, it's required for him to go"

Frank sighed as Gerard pulled him into his lap and held him close under the warm stream of water.

"I love you Frank, I only want what's best for you" Gerard said as he kissed Frank's cheek.

"I love you too" Frank said.

"Can we get out of here now? I'm freezing" Gerard said, Frank now just noticed that he had been shivering.

Frank giggled and nodded.

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