Chapter 3

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"Good morning sunshine" Frank heard a voice say as he opened his eyes. He saw a thin figure standing in front of him, Gerard. 

Frank just rolled over and tried to sleep again, it was Saturday after all, and he wasn't getting up without some bargaining.

"Come on Frankie wake up, I made coffee" Gerard said with a smirk and with that Frank was up. Leaning against the headboard and rubbing his eyes from his slumber.

Gerard hopped off the bed and out of the room, coming back a few seconds later with two cups of coffee. He handed one to Frank and started to sip the other, being careful not to drink it too fast as it would surely burn him.

Frank however, took the whole cup down in just one gulp. He wasn't burned, he loved steaming hot coffee. It reminded him of better times.

"Woah! Somebody likes their coffee" Gerard said chuckling.

"Coffee is the best" Frank said back, also chuckling.

"Hey, so you should probably go home soon, it's already 11:30 and I'm sure your dad will be looking for you" Gerard said.

Frank just frowned and shook his head. "I'm not going home. I haven't been home in a little over 3 months now"

"What? 3 months? Where have you been staying? Please tell me you haven't been sleeping outside." Gerard said looking very concerned.

"Only sometimes. Most of the time I've been staying with my friend Ray" Frank said as he took Gerard's coffee from his hands and started to drink it.

"Hey! That's mine!" Gerard said trying to look angry but who could be angry at little Frankie? Surely he couldn't.

"It's mine now" Frank said giggling and sipped down the rest of the coffee.

Gerard just stuck out his lip, pretending to pout. Frank giggles and placed a kiss on Gerard's cheek. "Your funny" Frank said as Gerard face turned bright pink.

Gerard was blushing like crazy. Frank fucking Iero just kissed him. He wanted a kiss on the lips but a kiss at all was good enough for him.

"Well I better get dressed, I have to meet Ray later to take me to work" Frank said as he stretched.

"Where do you work?" Gerard asked tilting his head to the side a bit.

"The music shop downtown" Frank said as he got up and walked across the room.

Gerard couldn't help but look at Frank's ass as he searched through Gerard's drawers for a clean shirt to wear. Gerard just wanted to have Frank so badly. He wanted to love Frank and he did, very much so.

Frank could feel Gerard staring, but he didn't mind, after all he kind of liked it. Gerard knew how to call Frank down and it helped him a lot. But on top of that, Gerard was by far one of the hottest guys Frank had ever seen.

Frank quickly turned around and saw Gerard staring down to where his ass he been but was now replaced by his crotch. Gerard's eyes quickly turned away when he saw that Frank had seen what he was doing.

"If you like me you just have to say so" Frank giggled and walked out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, leaving Gerard hard and alone.

Gerard stood up and walked out of the bedroom and to the bathroom door which was left open just enough for Gerard to peek in and what he saw was beautiful. Frank's beautiful tattooed back and amazing body. Gerard could barely handle it but he stepped away from the door as he saw Frank looks up at him.

"Gerard, don't look at me, I'm ugly." Frank said frowning as he closed the door completely shut.

"I don't think you're ugly, I think you're beautiful"

Frank just looked at himself in the mirror for a second, he didn't want Gerard to his his body, he hated it. He was ugly and fat and stupid and worthless and he just wanted to die.

Frank quickly opened a few drawers, looking for a razor. He needed to cut, he needed to feel something other that these thoughts that were killing him. E continues to search until he found some. He quickly pushed up his sleeve and pulled off the bandages he then took the blade and started moving it to his skin it was just millimeters from his precious skin when he felt something grab him.

Gerard had comes up behind Frank and grabbed the blade throw it across the room and grabbing Frank tightly from behind.

Frank struggled to get away from Gerard "just let me do it, just let me do it!" Frank screaming and frantically tried to reach for the blade but to no avail. Gerard wasn't letting go and soon Frank stopped trying to escape and just started to cry into Gerard's chest.

"I want to do it. I want to cut, I hate myself!" Frank cried, he was now sobbing into Gerard's shirt.

Gerard just hushed Frank and rocked him back and forth. Soon Frank was lulled asleep by the rocking. Gerard carefully picked up Frank and carried him into his bedroom, covered him up and let him sleep.


A few hours later Frank woke up, he looked over to the clock on the stand next to Gerard's bed and saw the time, 5:30 pm. Frank frantically got up and ran for the living room. He was already 2 hours late for work and he knew Ray would be pissed.

"Shit! I'm late for work!" Frank yelled as he saw Gerard sitting on the couch in front of the TV.

"Shit, do you need a ride?" Gerard asked as he got up.

"Yeah if you could." Frank said as he put on his shoes and pulled out his phone to text Ray.

Sorry I'm late. Fell asleep. Be there in 10. -Frank

Frank put his phone back in his pocket and ran down the path of the house to Gerard's car. They quickly jumped in and started driving, and soon they wee at the music shop.

"Thanks for the ride btw" Frank said as he was about to hop out. He the planted a kiss on Gerard's lips and jumped out, slamming the door behind him and walking into the music store.

Frank just thought to himself as he walked into the shop. "What did I just do!?! I kissed Gerard! What was I thinking?! What if he hates me? Ugh. Nice job Frank, nice job. "

Gerard, who was still sitting outside the music store, was stunned at what Frank just did. Frank kissed him! Frank fucking Iero kissed Gerard. Gerard smiled and started his car driving away from the shop. He was so happy he could explode, he had butterflies in his stomach, it was all new to Gerard but he enjoyed it so.

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