Part 12

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As I walked into school today it felt different.

1) it was snowing, unusual for March but whatever

And 2) there was someone new at school today, a few people.

As Frank walked down the hallway he was suddenly jumped on by someone really big and really hairy.

"Frankie!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Ray....thanks for killing me" Frank giggled. "Why aren't you at school?"

"Me and Jett got transferred here"

"Jett? Like Lina Jett?" Frank asked.

"Jett like my sister Jett yeah" Ray said.

Then it felt like a bomb went off in Franks head. He had known Jett since he was little and would play football with Ray in his yard. He remembered seeing Jett through the window of her room, wondering why she never came outside.

"Dude? You ok?" Ray asked, shaking Frank a little.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm gonna go to class. See you around Ray." Frank said as he started to walk down the hallway to class.

On the way to class Gerard bumped into Frank.

"Hey Frankie" Gerard said cheerfully.

"Hey Gee" Frankie responded while hugging him. "I missed you"

"It's only been a day Frank" Gerard giggled.

Frank shrugged into the hug. "I don't care, still missed you"

Gerard smiled. "I missed you too"


As the day ended the two walked out from school holding hands, that is until Bert came along.

"Hey fags" he laughed.

"Hey homophobe" Frank responded with a snort.

Bert just growled and walked away.

"Must not be in a fighting mood today Frankie" Gerard laughed.

"Guess not" Frank said as they continued waking.

Frank and Gerard where walking back to Gerard's when Frank decided to ask Gerard  a question.

"Gerard? Do you think we'll ever get married? I'm not rushing anything I mean I don't wanna get married for a long time yet but do you think ever?"

Gerard froze for a second and thought about the question. "Maybe" he responded.

"Good enough" Frank responded.


After they got to Gerard's they walked inside and where immediately met with the smell of warm coffee and ran to the kitchen to see Mikey sipping at a cup.

Gerard quickly grabbed two cups well Frank grabbed the remaining coffee from the coffee maker.

"Hey that's mine!" Mikey yelled and tried to grab the coffee back away from Frank.

Gerard quickly ran over and put the glasses on the table then took the pot from Frank right before he was tackled by Mikey.

Frank jumped right back up and grabbed his glass of coffee that Gerard had poured him and sipped away at it.

"You guys are mean" Mikey frowned. They just giggled at him.

"You snooze you lose" Frank said and Gerard snorted. Mikey frowned and walked up the stairs to his room.

"So Frankie what're we gonna do tonight?" Gerard asked. It was the weekend and they could do whatever they wanted really.

"Hmm" Frank said as he thought. "What about just staying here and watching movies? Horror movies!" Frank grinned and Gerard giggled at his cute little face.

"Sure but I want  to go to the park later" Gerard said as he went to look for a movie.

"Deal" Frank said as he joined Gerard in picking out a movie


After the movie Gerard and Frank decided to go to the park and look around.

"Gerard! It's snowing!" Frank said as he had his face pushed up against the window.

"Yeah it is" Gerard said as he hugged Frank from behind.

The two quickly bundled up and went outside.

"It's so beautiful Gerard!" Frank yelled.

"Shhhh Frankie it's late" Gerard said. After a few second he said "yeah it's beautiful Frankie, just like you"

Frank blushed and looked down, hiding his face in his fringe.

"Hey look at me" Gerard said as he put his finger under Frank's chin and lifted his head. "You're beautiful Frank and I love you so much"

Frank smiled and hugged Gerard tightly. "I love you too Gee" Frank giggled as the two walked through the park.

As they reached the middle there was a beautiful little tree decorated with icicles from the cold air.

"I love winter Gee" Frank said smiling.

"Yeah I do too Frankie" Gerard said hugging Frank from behind again.


*fast forward three weeks*

*Frank's POV*

It's been about a month or so since Gerard made me go to therapy. It helped not only me and him but my father. We haven't talked much but he is getting better.

As for me and Gee, we've been dating for a while now and I love him more than ever. My life is complete for now, and I love everything about my life now. Maybe the past wasn't  as good but it's fixed now and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Me and Gee are buying an apartment too. High school is almost over and I even befriend Jett from therapy. She's pretty cool.

So I guess that's the my life for now, it might now be anything special but it's enough.




I know the ending is kind of bad but it's my first fic so....yeah. I'm going to focus on my new fic I started and I'm starting another one soon. I hope you enjoyed the fic!

Lily <3

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