Chapter 9

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"Frankie" Frank heard and felt someone shaking him. "Frank come on let's go home"

He looked up to see Gerard. "What about Ellie?"

"He's asleep, he said I could take you home and you need a bed Frank. You can't keep sleeping in uncomfortable hospital chairs"

Frank nodded and stood up, he almost fell over from exhaustion but Gerard helped keep him up as he led him out of the hospital and to his car.

"I didn't know you had a car" Frank said as he yawned.

"I have a house too Frank, an apartment not too far from your friends"

"Ray?" Frank asked.

"Yeah him, I live around the block from there."

"Cool" Frank said as he got into Gerard's car and fell asleep against the window.


Frank woke up to light shining in through the window. He smelt coffee and cigarettes and best of all, he saw Gerard asleep next to him.

He hadn't remembered much from the night before but he did remember Gerard taking him back to his house but that's it really.

"Good Morning" Gerard said cheerfully.

Frank smiled "Good Morning"

Frank crawled closer to Gerard and laid his head on Gerard's chest. Gerard just stroked Frank's arm gently. "We've got school today Frank"

"I know" Frank said frowning. "Should I go see Ellie?"

"I called him earlier and told him that you were going to school with me today" Gerard said as he pushed Frank aside and got up to get dressed. "Let's go Frankie, we're gonna be late"

"Fine" Frank said pouting.


As the two walked through the front door they saw someone who neither wanted to see.

"Hey fags, where have you been? Fucking?" Bert asked while his buddies aka backup snickered along to his jokes.

"Haha funny Bert, actually I was at the hospital" Frank said grumpily. School out him in a bad mood.

"What did you cut to deep Frankie?" Bert said as he pushed Frank up against a locker. "Little emo faggot" he said as he smacked him hard across the face.

Frank didn't even fight back. He was too hurt by the stress of his family and now the bullying from Bert.

"What's wrong fag? Too scared to fight back?" Bert said as he pushed Frank against a locker again. "Come on Frankie boy you can do it, fight. Punch me."

Frank then became angry, he was raging. Bert was just picking at him and he wasn't going to take any of that shit today.

Frank lifted his fist and punched Bert hard right in the face. Bert fell to the ground in pain as his friends grabbed Frank, keeping him from hitting Bert again.

"Fuck you Bert" Frank said.

"You little shit" Bert said as he punched Frank in the face, again and again, he wasn't stopping.

Gerard was frozen, he had been since Bert walked up. He couldn't fight them alone, he probably couldn't even fight them if he had his friends with him.

"Gee! Help me!" Frank screamed as he was beaten again, now by Bert's boys as well.

Gerard then snapped out of his trance and ran to the only person he knew.

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