Chapter 5

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After Starbucks, the two walked together through the park. They found a park bench to sit down on and sat silently. Even though it was awkward for both, they wanted to be friends, so they kept quiet about the kiss. That is until Frank decided to bring it up.

"So, about yesterday" he started but stopped for a second to breath. After the awkward silence he continued. "I'm sorry I kissed you, I should've never done it and I wasn't thinking and-"

Frank was cut off by Gerard's lips crashing against his own. He thought for a second about what was going on and then kissed Gerard back.

Gerard smiled into the kiss and so did Frank. Now they knew, they both liked each other.


After a hot make out session, Gerard and Frank got up off the bench and started to walk again. The two walked to the end of the path going through the park and it ended not too far from their houses.

"Gerard, I have to tell you something. I lied when I said I hadn't been home in 3 months. I do go home sometimes, but I usually get the shit beat out of me and then leave again. My mum try's to protect me, but she's just as scared of dad as I am and I don't know how much longer I can let her stay there and be abused all the time."

Gerard jus stood there in silence, then he looked down and grabbed Frank's hand, squeezing it slightly. "I'll walk you home, you'll be fine."

Frank smiled and nodded, he knew he would probably be back in a lot of trouble because it's been over a week since he left, but he didn't care. He wanted to walk with Gerard.


Once outside Frank's house Gerard looked at Frank. "Text me before you go to sleep, tell me you're alright ok?"

Frank smiled "ok" he placed a kiss on Gerard's cheek.

"Oh and another thing, are we a thing now? You and me?" Gerard said as he tilted his head slightly, looking for an answer.

"I guess so" Frank said as he let go of Gerard's hands and started walking up to steps to his front door. "Goodnight Gerard"

"Goodnight Frank" Gerard said as he started walking backwards down the path to Frank's door before turning around and walking normally.

Frank smiled to himself as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening the front door and walking in quietly.

He shut the front door silently and started to walk up the stairs to his room when he heard a scream. He knew exactly who it was. He bolted to the kitchen to see his father with his hand around his sister's neck.

"Dad, get the fuck off of her" Frank said as he lifted he fist and punched his father straight in the face.

His fathers hands quickly left his little sisters neck as she ran to frank's side.

"Frankie!" She yelled and hugged her brother tightly, her tears leaving spots on his shirt.

"Hey Steph, where's Ellie?" Frank said as he hugged his sister close, she was only 6 and Frank had to protect her from her own father.

He usually didn't bother Steph or Ellie but sometimes when he was really drunk, he would and it wouldn't end well, usually leaving bruises and bumps on their fragile skin.

"Upstairs, he hasn't been down here in a few days. I'm getting worried Frankie." Steph said as she grabbed her brothers hand, trying to lead him up the stairs.

"I'll be up in a second Steph, I have to help dad." Frank said as he let go of his sisters hand.

He then walked over to his father who was passed out of the floor. He grabbed him and pulled him up, throwing his arm over frank's shoulder. He then dragged his father into his bedroom, throwing him onto the bed and covering him up. "Nasty bastard" Frank said as he closed the door, leaving his father to sleep.

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