Chapter 6

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Monday, the worst day of the week. Everybody hates Monday's, especially Frank. But today seemed different, Frank seemed happier today for some reason and he couldn't exactly say why. Was it because he woke up to a cup of coffee from Summer? Or that he didn't have to worry about Ellie and Steph anymore because he was home? Maybe it was because his dad was leaving town for a few days. It was probably that.

Frank finished putting on his eyeliner and said goodbye to Summer, Ellie, and Steph before walking to school.


As Frank walked in the door he was greeted by a familiar face, Gerard.

Gerard was sat at a table in the cafeteria, but he wasn't alone like usual. He was with a group of people, who most of which Frank had seen around school.

"Hi Gerard!" Frank said cheerfully.

"Hi Frank!" Gerard responded smiling and looking at his friends who had all gone silent when Frank spoke. "Oh Frank, these are my friends Patrick, Pete, Vic, Brendon, Ryan, Amy, Lindsey, and of course my brother Mikey. Guys, this is my boyfriend, Frank"

"Hi Frank" Amy said happily as she twirled her hair in her fingers. "Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" Frank smiled as he sat down next to Gerard. Frank was so happy that Gerard had called Frank his boyfriend, he just wished no jocks heard him or Frank would be beat to a pulp.


Frank continued to talk to Gerard's and now his friends until the bell for first hour rang. He walked with Gerard to his class because they had it together.

Frank stopped in the hallway and looked at Gerard "do you really think we should make this public?" Frank whispered, almost seeming like a jock was right behind him.

"Yeah, you'll be fine, I'm always gonna be around by you and I don't think that they'll bother us if there are two." Gerard said sounding as confident as ever.

"Whatever you say" Frank said and leaned over to kiss Gerard, which Gerard gladly leaned in for. Then they walked to class together.


After school that day Frank had to go straight home, he knew he would have to help Ellie with homework, and he just wanted to enjoy some time with them when their dad wasn't beaten them to the point of no return.

As Frank walked home he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He looked at his phone and saw a text from Gerard.

Hey wanna hang out later? Xoxo G

Frank thought about it for a second. Maybe a walk or something would be nice.

"Yeah sure. Around 7?"

Sounds great. See you then. Xoxo G

Soon Frank was home at his doorstep, but something was wrong. His fathers car was still in the driveway, and his father didn't yet know that Frank was home, which means he could still be violent and the kids are home.

Just then Frank heard a scream, Ellie's scream. He quickly bolted into the house and ran up the stairs to his room to find his father beating Ellie mercilessly. Frank quickly grabbed his father by his collar and pulled him off of Ellie, who was now unconscious.

"Get the fuck off of him you filthy bastard!" Frank yelled before punching him right in the face.

His father sat for a few seconds recovering from the blow but then stood up. He was much taller than Frank but Frank wasn't scared of him, he was just a drunk asshole.

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