Chapter 2

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As Frank walked home he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He wondered who it could be, he figured it was just Bert or someone making fun of him. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see who it was anyway.

Are you still coming over? Xoxo G

He knew immediately who G was, it was Gerard, but how did Gerard get his number? Now that he thought about it, how did Gerard get in the bathroom? Nobody was in there before.

Frank just shook his head of the thoughts and focused on texting Gerard back.

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in 10. Where do you live" was all Frank responded with as he waited patiently for a response.

110 north maple street Xoxo G

Frank didn't know what to think of Gerard. Why did he sign his name with "xoxo?" Frank thought for a second before turning around and walking to toward Gerard's house.


As Frank got to Maple street he looked down the road. It was a beautiful road, with trees all colored in shades of orange, yellow, red, and brown. It was one of the most beautiful roads in Belleville and Frank couldn't believe he hadn't been down it before.

He quickly reached Gerard's house, a small brick house with large trees scattered around the yard.

As Frank walked up the short path to Gerard's doorstep he kept his head down, trying to avoid the awkwardness that was about to come.

He made it up the path and quietly, almost silently, knocked on the door and in seconds the door was opened by Gerard's smiling face.

Frank just stood awkwardly in the door until Gerard ushered him in.

"Hey, let's go change your bandages out, you don't want to get it infected."

Frank just nodded and followed Gerard as he walked into the bathroom. Gerard started to open drawers as Frank hopped up on the counter by the sink.

"So, I know you probably don't want me asking, but why did you do that to your arms?" Gerard asked as he started to unwrap Frank's arm, careful to not hurt Frank at all.

Frank just sat silently frowning. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't just tell Gerard about his whole life, it would take too long and bring back too many bad memories. So he just stayed silent.

"Frank, it's ok if you don't want to tell me but, if you ever feel like cutting again, please call me. I'm always here for you." Gerard said as he washed wrapped Frank's arm back up.

Without thinking Frank quickly wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck and squeezed him tight. This was the most love he'd received in a long time and he want going to let it go that easily.

Gerard just smiled as Frank held him close, eyes shut, just enjoying being able to hug another human and actually care about them for once in a long, long time.

"Thank you" was all Frank said as he pulled out of the hug and looked at his newest wrapped wrist.

Gerard just smiled, he wanted to respond so badly, he wanted to just kiss Frank, just give himself to Frank. But Gerard wasn't going to do that, what if Frank hated Gerard because of it?

"Hey wanna play video games?" Gerard asked sweetly.

"Sure, I bet I'll beat you, I know all the games" Frank laughed as he walked with Gerard though the house.

"You're on Frankie" Gerard said looking like he was in for a fight.

Frank hadn't been called Frankie in a long time, his mother called him that, that is until she died in a car accident when Frank was just 4, but Frank missed his mother so much.

Frank tried to push the thought of his mother out of his head but he just couldn't. He couldn't get her face out of his head, it was like it was stuck there, glued to the walls of his mind, never to be taken down and it killed Frank to see his mother's face and know it will never been seen again other than in the hell of his mind, burning a hole in his skull and killing him a little every second it lasted.

Frank was getting angry now and as he knew from his alcoholic father, anger and sadness are a bad combination. Frank just wanted her gone, out of his mind but no matter what he wouldn't think of she wouldn't leave. So he did what he thought would help.

Frank stopped walking in the middle of the hallway and started to bang his fists against his temples

"Get out of my head!" He screamed. He just wanted to forget, he just wanted to die if that's what it took.

"Frank? Frank what's going on? Who's in your head?" Gerard said trying to stop Frank from hitting his head and possibly causing brain damage at how hard he was hitting himself.

"My mother" Frank said as he sat down, too tired to continue to hit himself as he started to cry. "She's gone from my life but her memories are still here, still burning in my skull and I just want her gone! I want her out of my head!" Frank cried as he cradled his head in his hands.

"Frankie" was all Gerard said. He had just watched Frank destroy himself and he just wanted to hug him, hold him tight and never let go. "I know what you're going through"

"No you don't! You don't know anything about me!" Frank cried.

"When I was 8 my father walked out, he said he was done and he hopes that we all go to hell. I had come out to my parents right before that. My mother was accepting and she loved me for who I was, but my father couldn't do the same, so he left." Gerard said as he sat down by Frank's side.

Frank just sat in silence. He didn't know how to respond to what Gerard had just told him.

"Why don't you stay over, it's late anyways" Gerard said as he stood up and put an arm out for Frank to grab

Frank nodded and and took Gerard's hand. They walked through the house and to two bedrooms that where right next door to each other.

"This is my brother Mikey's room, it's quite messy so I'll sleep in there, you can have my room, I'll get some clothes for you to wear to bed and I'll wash your jeans for tomorrow" Gerard said smiling down at Frank.

"Thanks a lot. You're the only person who's been nice to me in a very long time" Frank said as rubbed his eyes.

"Well goodnight Frank" Gerard said walking into the bedroom. "Oh and if you need anything, anything at all, just come and get me. I'm always here"

Frank smiled and walked into the opposite bedroom. He put on some clothes that Gerard had on the dresser and soon fell asleep.

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