Chapter 7

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As Frank and Gerard walked back to Frank's house, he suddenly got very uncomfortable. He didn't want Gerard to see his family, it's not that he was ashamed of them, they were perfect. He just didn't want to see what his father has done to them, not just physically, but mentally as well.

They just walked in silence until they reached Frank's doorstep.

"I'm just warning you, they might not like you at first. They might be scared of you, they'll warm up to you fast." Frank said as he opened the door.

He immediately heard the pitter-patter of little footsteps running down the hallway and then felt Steph's grip around his waist.

"Frankie!" She yelled as she held tightly into Frank's waist.

"Hey Steph, this is my friend Gerard. He's gonna stay with us for a little while ok?" Frank said as he pulled Steph's arms away and crouched down to make easy eye contact with her.

"Hi Gerard" Steph said smiling up at Gerard who smiled and waved back.

"Hello Steph" Gerard said as he crouched down by Frank's side. "What happened to your neck?" Gerard asked as he gently rubbed his fingers over the bruises.

"It's nothing" she said as she pulled her extremely curly hair up over her shoulders to hide the bruises.

"Hey Steph, can you go get Ellie and Summer for me?" Frank said kindly.

"Yeah" Steph said and with that she bolted up the stairs.

Frank stood up and so did Gerard. My hey waited for a few minutes until 2 bodies could be seen emerging from the top of the steps.

"Hello Frank" Summer said kindly as she pushed some of the hair out of Frank's eyes. "Who is this?"

"This is Gerard, he's gonna stay with us for a little while if you don't mind" he waited for some response from Summer. She just smiled and said "welcome to the family Gerard, where happy to have you"

"Where's Ellie?" Frank said looking around for him.

"He won't come out of his room again" Steph said frowning.

Frank just frowned and started up the steps, stopping and turning to make sure Gerard was following, which he was.

When they reached Elliot's door Frank tapped quietly on the door.

Frank didn't hear any response when he knocked so he quietly opened the door to see if Ellie was asleep, but what Frank saw would scar him forever.

Ellie was facing away from the door and didn't hear Frank come in, he had a razor in his hand and was making slits along his wrist, far more deep than Frank would ever go. These ones could be deadly.

Frank just sat in shock for about 2 seconds before he ran over and grabbed Ellie's arm, making him jump a little. Frank then grabbed the blade and threw it across the room.

Ellie tried the squirm away from Frank, but he wasn't letting go. Gerard then stepped in and also helped to try to calm Ellie down. In just under 3 minutes Ellie was done fighting, crying into Frank's chest and Frank cried into the crook of Ellie's neck. Gerard sat by Frank rubbing his back.

Soon Ellie's cries stopped and Frank assumed he was asleep.

"Ellie, we need to clean up your wrist you have to wake up" Frank said rubbing Ellie's back. There was no response.

"Ellie?" Frank said as he looked down at his wrist to see a huge pool of blood. Ellie had cut to deep, and was now bleeding out.

"Gerard! He's not conscious! We have to get him to the hospital. I have to get Summer and Steph. Please please don't leave him, he's all I have." Frank said as he got up and ran to tell Steph and Summer what happened.

Gerard quickly did what he knew how to do and checked that Ellie was still breathing and his heart was still beating, which it was. He just was unconscious from blood loss.

Gerard then slid his right arm under Ellie's head and his left arm under Ellie's knees. Then picked him up and carried him down the stairs and to the door.

Frank ran back out with a crying Steph and Summer. "Let's go. Summer I'll meet you at the hospital, you take Steph. Take a cab or something ok." Frank threw a few dollars from his pocket to them and then ran out the door.

Then the two quickly left, running out to Summer's car.

"Gerard do you know how to drive?" Frank asked as he jumped in the back with Ellie's head in his lap.

"Yeah, I only don't drive because I don't have a car" Gerard said as he jumped into the front and started to drive.


They managed to get Ellie to the hospital and seen by medical professionals.

Gerard, Frank, Summer, and a sleeping Steph all sat in the waiting room.

"Why don't you take Steph home and get some rest, I'll call you if anything happens." Frank said as he looked over at Summer.

She nodded and picked up Steph, waving goodbye to Frank and Gerard one last time, then walked out of the hospital.

Frank got up and walked to the bathroom with Gerard following close behind. He leaned against he wall of the bathroom and then slid till his butt hit the floor.

Frank put his head in his hands and just sat for a second before he said anything. "He's never been this bad Gerard. They're calling in an attempted suicide, what if he was trying to commit suicide Gerard? What if he did want to die?" Frank started to cry.

"Frank, I'm sure Ellie wouldn't try to kill himself. He was probably just upset and needed something to take the pain away." Gerard said as he sat next to Frank and rubbed his back.

"I just wish I could see the world the way he does" Frank said as he wiped his tears away.

"We've both been there once Frank"

"I remember me, but you where depressed too?" Frank asked questioningly.

"Yeah, I used to cut all the time. I was really really bad and my mom sent me away for a while because of it. The hospital she sent me to was the most scary. There were legit crazy people in there and all I wanted to do was leave, but I couldn't. Eventually I got out, and I stopped cutting. It's been a year since then" Gerard said looking down at his arms, he pulled up his sleeve to expose the scars, which were mostly faded.

Frank then pulled up his sleeve as well, showing his cuts that where still healing. "I'm done with this"

"What?" Gerard said.

"I'm done cutting, I've been clean for about a month and I'm going to keep clean. If I'm going to be honest with you this is the longest I've been clean"

"Well you're strong Frank, you can do it, I know you can" Gerard said as he smiled a little at Frank.

Frank leaned over and kissed Gerard, who immediately kissed back.


After a few minutes of kissing the two walked back to the waiting room. As they where waiting Frank yawned and leaned his head into Gerard's shoulder, and soon fell asleep.

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