Part 8

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"Frank" Frank heard Gerard say as he shook him a bit, trying to wake him from his slumber. "The doctor wants a word with you"

Frank opened his eyes and saw the doctor standing right in front of him. He then sat up in his chair and waiting for him to talk, which he did.

"Frank Iero?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah that's me" Frank responded as he rubbed his eyes.

"Elliot is in rough shape, he lost a lot of blood but should fully recover in a few days or so" the doctor said smiling.

Frank breathed a sigh of relief as he got up and shook the doctors hand. Gerard stood up as well and after the awkward handshake between Frank and the doctor, Frank turned and hugged Gerard.

"Can I see him?" Frank asked as nicely as he could.

"Visiting hours are over, but I could make an exception for you two. You seem like all Elliot had right now and he's been asking for you for a while now." The doctor said as he led the two down the hallway to Elliot's hospital room.

"Thanks again doc" Frank said as they reached the door.

Frank opened the door to see Ellie sleeping peacefully. He looked completely normal other than a few things. The hospital band around his wrist, the needle in his arm giving him blood and liquids, and the white bandage wrapped around his wrists from were he cut.

Frank so badly wanted to ask Ellie why he did it, but he knew very well why. He would have to wait to ask Ellie.

Frank turned around to see Gerard stood awkwardly outside the door. He looked quite sad.

"You can come in if you'd like" Frank said gesturing Gerard in, but instead of coming in Gerard just shook his head.

"Nah, I've had bad memories in this hospital. This exact room actually. " Gerard said looking down at the ground.

"What happened here, if you don't mind me asking" Frank said curiously.

"Well long ago, when I was little, my grandmother died here. I was about 11, and it messed me up pretty badly. She was my everything Frank. She kept me going and made me want to not give up. I loved her with all my heart Frank, she meant the world to me." Tears started to stream down Gerard's face but he brushed them away with his sleeve.

"I'm sorry, we can leave if you want" Frank said as he walked up and hugged Gerard tightly.

"No, you need to be here for your brother" Gerard said as he let go of the hug. "I'll go"

Frank frowned but agreed. He kissed Gerard on the cheek before he left then sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chair and soon fell asleep.

As Frank dozed off he felt his phone buzz in his pocket but decided to leave it, he's check it in the morning.


As Frank awoke he was greeted by two bright blue eyes, Ellie's.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Ellie giggled as he ate his hospital food.

"Good morning munch" Frank said as he stood up and walked over to the side of Ellie's bed and ruffled his hair.

"Ellie, we need to talk serious for a bit okay?" Frank asked as he sat beside Ellie on the bed. Ellie frowned but nodded.

"Why did you do it?"

Ellie just sat in silence.

"Where did you learn to do that? Did somebody tell you to do that?" Frank asked, he was trying to sound as worried as he could but inside he just wanted to break down and crying seeing Ellie's pain.

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