Chapter 4

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"Ugh, today is a Sunday" Frank said out loud to himself. "I hate Sunday's. They're my suicide days"

As Frank got out of his bed he looked around. He doesn't remember much other than going to work and after a while coming back to Ray's place with Ray.

After a while Frank got out of bed, got dressed, and went in search of some coffee. He heard a faint sound coming from his bedroom, his phone buzzing.

Frank set his coffee down on the counter and walked into his bedroom to look at his phone, it was probably a text from his mother. Yeah, his mother did die in a car accident. This was his step mother. She has been around since Frank was 7 and he loved her like a real mom, he even called her mom.

Sweetie, where are you? Please say something.

Even though Frank hasn't been home in a while he still keeps up with his mom. She was always worrying about him and he kept her up to date as much as possible about where he was and what he was doing.

"I'm fine mum, don't worry so much. Love you. -Frank"

As Frank put his phone down he heard the front door click shut, Ray must be back.

Frank walked out of his room to see Ray standing happily in the doorway.

"Hey Frank" Ray said cheerfully

"Hey Toro" Frank said as he grabbed his coffee off the counter and took a large sip. "Whatcha doin today?"

"Nothing much. Oh I almost forgot, some guy was looking for you downstairs. He said his name was Gee or something? He was waiting outside the apartment building for a while so I went over and talked to him, turns out he was looking for you."

Frank just sighed and looked down. He didn't want to see Gerard after yesterday, he kissed him. What if Gerard hated Frank? What if he doesn't like Frank anymore? What if Frank looses his only friend besides Ray? I mean, Ray is a great friend, but he's always busy with work.

"Yeah that's Gerard, he's my friend from school, don't mind him. Did he leave?" Frank asked curiously.

"No. He's still there I think." Ray said, putting his coat on the coat rack and walking over to the couch, flopping down on it.

Frank just smiled at Ray and walked over to the door, slipped on his shoes, and walked out of his apartment in search of Gerard.

As Frank walked down the stairs he heard a faint sound, the sound of something Frank knew all too well, Frank heard crying.

He walked around the corner to see Gerard sitting in the floor leaning against the wall, his head in his knees, sobbing.

Frank didn't know what to do other than stand there awkwardly, but he had to help Gerard out somehow, he couldn't just watch him cry.

Quietly, Frank walked over and sat next to Gerard. As soon as Gerard heard somebody he stopped his crying and looked up. When he saw Frank he froze, not in terror but in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave" Gerard said as he started to get up to leave. Frank quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him back down and hugged him tightly.

"Please don't go, I like your company" Frank said quietly.

Gerard just nodded and hugged Frank close. Then Frank stood up and held a hand out to Gerard, which he took, pulling him up.

"Let's go somewhere" Frank said as he let go of Gerard's hand.

"Where?" Gerard said while he tried to fix his messy hair a bit.

"Starbucks" Frank said smiling. Gerard smiled back, and the two where off in search off coffee.

----------------------------------------------Sorry for the short chapter guys, I'll write more tomorrow! Love you all so much and thanks for actually reading my fic! Once again thanks and I love you all soooooo much. Xx


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