Chapter One Starless Night

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                       Emma Swan

There are no stars in the sky.  There have never been stars here. Ever since I was thrown in this tower, I'd always looked out the window, only to see a black sky with no stars.

I have almost gone insane. I am living two realities. It reminds me of the time Jefferson kidnapped me and tried to convince me of the curse so he wouldn't have to live two lives anymore. He'd told me it was maddening. I now understand where he's coming from. I have all these memories of a past life here, only I don't remember living it. I do however remember Storybrooke, everyone and everything in it. It is Isaac's fault that we're here. All the good people are evil. The only thing I don't understand is why I'm not evil and why I still have memories from my life in Storybrooke. Is that my curse? Is it like what happened with Jefferson? I can't be sure.

Just that thought makes me want to scream. I'm not sure about anything anymore. It's enough to drive a person insane, which is exactly where I am headed.

"My name is Emma swan," I whisper to myself. It's comforting to do this. "I am the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. I am Henry's mother. I'm the Savior. Or I was." I can never decide whether or not I still am the Savior. I am powerless here. How am I supposed to be the Savior without powers? The worst part is that I don't know anything about this world. I had an advantage in Storybrooke. That was my world. I have been to the Enchanted Forest before, but this is way different from the Enchanted Forest I know. Even if I do get out, I won't know the slightest thing about surviving here.

The hours seem to drag on forever. The days go by at such a slow pace. Eventually, I stop even noticing that the sun has risen or set. Each day is an eternity. It  goes by slower when I try to keep track of the time.

I hear the chains on the door being rattled. It must be Lily with my lunch . . . Or dinner. I can't remember if I had breakfast or lunch last. The door creaks open and Lily saunters in holding my tray of food. I notice the portions are smaller than before. Snow must be getting tired of me. She probably just wants me dead already.

The thought makes me shiver. I can't think of Snow as mom anymore. Not this version at least. I know it's not really her, just someone Isaac created. I had hoped that my mom was still in there, deep down. I'd tried talking to her, but it just got me locked up in this tower a few days sooner.

Lily throws the tray onto the ground in front of me, making some of the stew fall onto the floor. She takes off the black helmet of her armor and looks me in the eye. Her green eyes glare at me. I know what's coming. It happens every day at dinnertime. This is where she tells me everything that's happened that day. I don't know why she does it. I assume it's because Snow wants to break me somehow. But knowing that no one tried to rescue me doesn't exactly hurt me as much as one would think it would. It took a while for me to figure out why that is.

I'm already broken.

"Everything was normal today," Lily tells me, leaning up against the wall as I dig into my food. I've become an expert when it comes to eating food in manacles. It's something I had to learn. "Except, I did see a pirate ship sailing in the distance," she adds, sounding bored.

"Really?" I ask in a hoarse voice. I have only said a few words since I got here. Besides whispering, I don't do much talking. A certain pirate comes to mind when I think of who it could be. Does he remember me? I try not to get too hopeful, and I'm glad I didn't. What Lily says next deflates everything I felt in the past minute.

"No," she says with a cruel grin. "Now hurry up and eat." I finish quickly and she takes the tray from me, leaving me alone to my running thoughts.

I lay on the ground as comfortably as I can in manacles. I don't close my eyes. I don't want to sleep. Sleeping doesn't bring peace. It only brings more terrors.




So I decided to do a CaptainSwan fanfic! We'll see how this goes. I'm actually really excited for it because I ship CaptainSwan so hard and I love creating stories about them in my head. I thought why not actually create one? Sorry this first chapter is short. I hope you like it!

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