Chapter Nineteen Prisoners

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Killian Jones

I wake up with a pounding headache. I hear a steady drip, drip, drip of water. By the sound of it, I'm in a cave of some sort. "Bloody hell," I say with a groan. "What now?"

"Oh good, you're awake," a very familiar voice says. I look up and see her red head come into view. She wears a white shirt with black pants and the maroon cloak that belonged to her beloved. She throws me a cup of water and I drink it hungrily, my throat already dry with thirst.

When I finish, I set the cup down on the cave floor. "What do you want with me, and where am I?" I've no idea what business Ariel has with me in this world, but whatever it is, it can't be good.

"I need your help," Ariel says, sitting on the ground next to him, pulling the rope on his wrists off. "You probably don't remember him, but there was a guy in the same crew as you. His name is Eric. He once told me if anything ever happens to him to find Killian Jones and tell him what's going on. He was taken by the sea witch, Ursula. Can you help me?"

"Look, Ariel, as much as I'd love to help you get your prince back, I can't. I have to help my Swan break this curse. If I do, then you'll be reunited with him."

Ariel looks taken aback. "I didn't tell you my name." She grabs a dagger from her belt and holds it to my throat. "How do you know my name?" She yells.

I let out an exasperated sigh. Of course this is happening to me. Of all the people in the Enchanted Forest that Eric could have told Ariel to contact, he said me. I need to get back to Emma. We have to figure out a plan and break this bloody curse.

"Over here!" I hear a voice yell. Henry. I try to sit up, forgetting that Ariel has a dagger to my throat.

"Agh!" I fall back to the ground as blood appears on my neck. Ariel's eyes widen and she quickly removes the dagger. I know she never meant to actually hurt me.

"Killian!" I hear Emma yell. Ariel stands up and faces the entrance to the cave where Emma stands. "What did you do to him?"

"All I did was hold a dagger to his throat," Ariel says indignantly, crossing her arms. "He's the one who tried to sit up. It's not my fault he hurt himself."

Emma comes in and kneels next to me, holding out her hand, healing the cut. "Thanks, love," I say as she helps me up.

"Why did you take Killian?" Emma asks Ariel.

"I needed help to find Eric. He's missing. I thought Killian could help," Ariel says.

"So you took him and held a dagger to his throat?" Emma asks with a raised eyebrow. "Not the smartest tactic. But Killian is preoccupied right now. We're trying to break a curse that could possibly reunite you with Eric."

"Killian was saying something about that. If I'm cursed, wouldn't I know it?" Ariel asks.

Emma gives a bitter laugh. "No, you probably wouldn't," she says with a sad sigh. "I'll do everything in my power to break this curse. But I need Killian to do it."

"Sure, of course." Ariel nods her head and looks at the ground. "I hope you break it soon."

"Thanks," Emma says with a small smile. She grabs my hand and practically drags me out of the cave, Henry right on our heels.

When we get far enough away, Emma suddenly stops and turns to me, bringing her lips onto mine in a heated kiss. When she pulls away, she stares into my eyes with a passion. "Don't anything like that again. Okay?" She says. I can tell how panicked she was and I put my hand on the side of her face to try and calm her.

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