Chapter Twenty Three The Children of Tomorrow

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                        Killian Jones
I'll be dead by morning. There's no doubt about it. I can't even feel the bottom half of my body. The wound is spilling blood and I can hardly breathe. The only thing that keeps me fighting is Henry. He's alone in that dungeon. There's not doubt he hasn't heard my screams. I tried not to scream too loudly, but the pain. It was excruciating.

"Are you dead yet?" I hear Charming say. He comes over to me and kicks my wound. I scream in pain. "Hurry up, pirate. If you don't die soon I'll have to inflict more pain."

"Go...ahead," I manage to get out. I won't let him win. I'll fight till it's physically impossible. All he wants is for me to die, but the longer I stay alive, the more I'm defying him. I can feel my breathing start to slow. I try not to let it, but honestly, there's nothing I can do to stop the wound from bleeding, and the more blood I lose, the closer I am to death.

Henry's my only hope now.

I think of Emma. I need to see her in my mind before I go. I picture her beautiful green eyes that I love to stare into. I picture the light freckles that go across her nose, her pale skin, the way her eyes would always light up when she talked about her family. I think of her soft lips on mine, our first kiss in Neverland, our last kiss here. "I love you, Emma Swan," I whisper. I need those to be the last words I say. I can feel myself slipping away. The last thing I think of is:

"Wait...if you're afraid of losing your happy ending, that means you found it. What is it?"

"Don't you know, Emma? It's you."

The memory had been bright and fuzzy from the start, but as I say that last line, everything gets so much brighter, and all I see is white.

And then there's nothing.


                        Henry Mills

I know the moment he's gone. Not only does Charming come in with a not-so-charming evil smile on his face, I also feel it in my gut. He's gone.

I stand up and glare at Charming. He may be my Grandpa, but that's not who this is right now. I am going to get us back to Storybrooke, if it is the last thing I do. I won't let my moms and Hook be gone forever. I will save them.

Charming unlocks the cell and grabs my arm, bringing me to that room with the table in it. He plops me down on the chair as Snow and the Author walk in. My eyes immediately go to the pen in Isaac's hand. Why am I so drawn to that? I try to ignore the feeling to jump on the table and run across to grab the pen when Isaac puts it down.

"All right, so how is the boy to be executed?" Isaac asks excitedly. I roll my eyes at his excitement. He's got to be the only person on earth who sounds like a little kid asking when they'll get a puppy when he's talking about murder.

"Patience," Snow says, holding up her hand. She sounds so bored when she talks. It's so weird to see her like this. She's not the person I know. Charming is completely different too. I just want them back to normal. I want everything back to normal.

"Your majesty," a black knight says, coming in and bowing. He holds out a purple cushion with a piece of paper tied up with a ribbon. Snow takes the paper off and the knight immediately backs away.

When Snow reads it, her lips turn down in a frown. "Charming," she calls. He comes over. "There's been a change of plans. Kill the boy now. That Rumpelstiltskin is feeling rebellious again. The note doesn't say why exactly, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't stop him from stepping out of line. The boy dies now."

"As you wish, my queen," he says. Isaac stands up excitedly. He grabs the pen and puts it in his pocket.

"How are we killing him?" Isaac asks.

"It can't be messy or grand since I have other business to attend to. Just stab him with a sword or something," Snow says in her bored voice.

Charming nods and grabs my arm, forcing me to stand, pulling me along. Isaac isn't far behind us. I don't even bother struggling. I'm too busy trying to think of a plan to get the pen away from Isaac. There's only way to fix this; if I only I knew how to do it.

When we get to a small room and Charming throws me in, drawing his sword, I know I have to do something. I will not stand by and let them kill me before I can fix everything. Everyone always says that the kids can't be heroes. Well I'm going to show them that anyone can be a hero and save the day. Girl or boy, black or white, old or young. I will save them all, no matter what happens to me.

Isaac watches excitedly from the doorway and subconsciously pulls out his pen, twirling it between his fingers. What a great mistake. I act like I'm scared as Charming brings his sword down towards me. Right as it reaches me, I roll to the side and stand up, throwing him off balance before running towards Isaac and pulling the pen out of his loose grasp. Isaac yells in outrage as I run down the corridor. I see the pen glow in my hand and I know what's happened. I'm the author now.

I need to find a piece of paper before he catches up with me. I run into a random room, which also happens to be a library. I grab a book off of the shelf and open to the title page where there's not much text.

Quickly, I scribble, Isaac's villainous work was undone.

Isaac comes running in, screaming warnings at me. But it's too late. Light blinds my vision, and that's the last thing I remember before I appear back in Storybrooke.

Hey guys! I know how they get back to Storybrooke is practically the exact same as in the show, but I really loved how Henry saved the day, so I kept it like that. There will still be a few more chapters, and then there'll be a sequel. I've already made the cover which I will soon release to you guys. I'm sorry it took so long to update this. I got distracted by another fanfic I'm working on. I hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment, I really love to hear your opinions.

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