Chapter Twenty Four Home Is Where You Are

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Emma Swan

I open my eyes with a gasp. There's a feeling inside of me that I can't make out. I sit up and that's when I realize where I am. I'm laying on the streets of Storybrooke. All of the memories from the storybook come flooding back to me at once. I close my eyes as a small headache appears. A shudder goes through my body when I think of how I wandered around in the underworld...I'd been empty and hollow.

Now I actually know who I am. I know where I belong, who I love, everything. I suddenly stand up and run to Mary Margaret and David's apartment. I have no idea what happened to Killian after I died. Right as I'm about to open the door, someone else does and bumps right into me. I barely get a glimpse of blue eyes before I'm tackled into a bone crushing hug. Soon after, we're locked in a passionate kiss.

My hands tangle in his hair and his hand and hook rest on my lower waist, bringing me closer. I pull away for a moment to breathe out, "I love you," before I pull him back to me.

When we finally pull away for breath, breathing heavily, he says, "I love you, too, Swan. More than anything." I smile up at him, staring into his eyes. Oh how I've missed being in Storybrooke with him.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs rapidly and turn to see Henry running towards us. "You're alive!" He exclaims with a huge smile, throwing his arms around both of us.

"Yeah, kid," I say. "How did we get back though? What happened after I...well you know." I try not to let myself think of how it felt to be dying, what it felt like afterwords. I hope to never think of that again.

Henry starts to open his mouth but Killian cuts him off. "Henry saved us," he says quickly. I know he's trying to spare me of something that happened after I died. I don't push, though. Hopefully one day he'll tell me, but for now, I'm just happy to have him by my side. I take his hand and walk inside, Henry following closely behind. Mary Margaret and David look like they've just finished their reunion. David has tears running down his face. 

"Emma!" He exclaims, running to me and pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry. Just know that I would never do that. It was Isaac. He made me do all those things. I had no say over it." He looks completely tortured over everything and I don't blame him. I'd feel the same way too.

"It's okay, dad. I know," I answer, trying to ease his pain. "Neither of you had any control over what you did," I say as Mary Margaret opens her mouth. I know she's about to apologize.  I briefly let go of Killian's hand so I can take one of Mary Margaret's and one of David's. "Everything that happened in there was a lie."

"What about Isaac?" Henry asks suddenly. He has a troubled look on his face as he continues thinking. "What do we do about him?"

I consider this. I'm pretty sure he's already started running by now. Maybe he'll run out of Storybrooke and we'll never have to see him again. But to be on the safe side, I say, "We need to send out a search party. He might flee Storybrooke, but there's a chance he won't and we need to be ready for him. Who knows what he'll do with that pen?"

Henry shifts awkwardly from foot to foot before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pen. When I look closer, I realize it's not a pen, it's the pen. "I'm...I'm the author now," he says slowly and carefully. He looks at the ground, avoiding any eye contact.

My eyes widen slightly. "How?" I ask. "How is that possible?" As I wait for an answer, I look over at Mary Margaret and David, holding each other as if they would be lost without the other. I used to be jealous of their love. It's so pure and true. I don't feel that way anymore. Now I have a love like theirs.

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