Chapter Seventeen Is She Alive Or Dead?

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                       Killian Jones

Henry and I have no idea what to do. Neither of us knows how to treat a head wound and neither does anyone else. Usually in a crew there's someone who knows how to treat people, but not in this one apparently. I'm getting so frustrated.

"How are we supposed to save her?" I ask, looking at Henry in desperation. He's just as clueless as I am though. I feel tears come to my eyes and try to push them away. I have to be strong for my Swan. I will not let her down.

"We need to get everyone back to Storybrooke," Henry says. "That'll be the only way to save her. Her head is so bad, we either need magic or technology, both of which we're lacking."

I run my hand through my hair with a groan. "There's got to be something we can do!" I yell. Henry shakes his head. "Fine then, I'm going to find someone who has magic."

"You don't even know who has magic here! It's too dangerous. My mom wouldn't want you to put yourself in danger because of her. We've got to think this through. If we can find a doctor, then maybe he can help her."

"Herbs!" I say suddenly. "It's been so long since I've been here I've forgotten everything I know. If we can find the right herbs, they can heal her. It's that simple! You're a genius, Henry!"

Henry rolls his eyes and shakes his head, following after me as I quickly run out of the room. I turn around and stop him. "Wait, one of us has to stay here with Emma."

Henry nods and sighs. "Alright, I'll stay. Just be back soon."

"I will," I say, running on deck. After I exit the ship, I make my way around the village, looking for any herb shops.

"Are you lost, dear?" A voice says from behind me. I turn around and see an old woman in a cloak standing near me. She has a gleam in her eyes that I don't trust. This woman definitely has something up her sleeve.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"Does it matter? I can help you." The woman speaks with a Scottish accent and holds a scroll in her hands. "I hear someone you love is not doing so good at the moment."

"How do you know that?"

"Word travels fast in these parts," she says with a wink. I scowl as she hands me a bottle filled with herbs that suddenly appears out of nowhere. She's a witch. "Now, do you want the herbs that can help your love, or not?"

"I know how this works," I say. "What do you want in return?"

The woman points to the chain around my neck. I pull it off, looking at the ring that used to be Liam's. I've had this ring ever since Liam died. I feel a hole in my gut when I hand it over to her. I know this is probably not true, but I feel like that ring is the reason why I've survived all these years. Maybe now that it's gone I won't be the survivor I once was. But Emma's life is on the line. I'll do anything for Emma.

The woman smiles and hands me the bottle of herbs. I take it and run back to the Jolly Roger as fast as I can.

When I make it back to the captain's quarter's, Henry jumps up from the chair he was sitting in. "Did you get them?"

"Aye," I answer. I take the cork off of the bottle and take some of the herbs out, putting them into Emma's mouth and pouring some water down her throat. Henry and I wait, watching her lay there.

He takes my hand for comfort and I squeeze back. I know I'll never be the father Baelfire was to Henry, but I hope he can at least see me as a father. I hope that one day I can be the father he needs.

Emma starts to moan, thrashing around. Henry's grip tightens on my hand as we watch her. She mumbles a name that I don't catch. Then she falls back to the pillows, lifeless.

I look over at Henry who stares at me in fear. "Do you think she's...?"

I shake my head. "No. She can't be dead." I walk over to Emma's bed and I'm about to put two of my fingers to her throat when she shoots up in bed looking around the room desperately.

"Swan?" I ask uncertainly.

Her head whips over to me and I see relief in her eyes. She gets up and suddenly grabs the sides of my collar and pulls me in for a deep and passionate kiss.

I hear Henry not so subtly leave the room.

When she pulls away and rests her forehead on mine, I say slightly out of breath, "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"

She lifts her eyelids to look into my eyes. "I remember. That's why I said I love you before I passed out. I...felt myself dying. I needed you to know that I remembered. And then right before I woke up, I had the most vivid dream ever, almost like I was seeing the future. My dad killed you, and he showed no remorse about it. I'm just so glad you're okay."

I smile and put my hand on the side of her face. "You don't have to worry. Even if something does happen to me here, you can still save me."

Emma's brow furrows in concern. "Killian, you're acting as if you're expecting something to happen to you here. What's going on?"

Ever since I remembered I've felt that way. I'm not going to tell her that though. I don't want her to worry about me. It's probably nothing anyways.

"Nothing," I say to her with a smile. "Nothing that matters anyways."

"You can tell me anything, you know," she says, putting her hands on both sides of my face, looking deeply into my eyes.

"I know," I answer.

Emma sighs, knowing that I'm holding something back, but she doesn't push it. "We need to find Regina. Maybe we can find a way to get her to remember. I don't know how to stop any of this. Maybe she does."

"Where do you suggest we look?" I ask her.

"Isn't it obvious?" She asks. I raise my eyebrow. "Right, you haven't read the storybook. Anyways, when Snow was a bandit, she would hide in this tree log. That was the closest place she had to a home. I think that's where Regina will be."

"It's worth a shot," I say.

Emma smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me along. "Soon we'll break this curse and we'll go back home," she says.

Who watched last night's episode?? 😱😱😱😱 It was sooo amazing! Henry and Hook had an operation called Operation Light Swan. I am sooo happy because I predicted that! Uggggh, those CaptainSwan feelings though! How could A&E be so cruel?! Well, comment your thoughts on this chapter! (Also, sorry it's short.) AND THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!! You have no idea how much that means to me!

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