Chapter Four No Hope

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                    Killian Jones

          For the rest of the day, I stay on deck, watching the rest of the crew work while I just sit there. It feels so weird to not be doing anything while they're working.

          When everyone goes to dinner, I still stay on deck. Once I'm sure everyone will be eating, I grab a loaf of bread and a canteen of water for Leia. I want to thank her for what she did, but I haven't had a chance to do it with Blackbeard watching me like a hawk all day.

          I climb the ladder down into the brig. My eyes widen when I notice that her wrists are no longer bound. The rope that had been put around them lies next to her. She sleeps with her head leaned up against the wall. When I come closer, her eyes snap open with a murderous look. The fire in her eyes dies down when she sees me. I feel that feeling in my stomach and wonder for the millionth time why she seems so familiar to me.

          I lean down and push the bread and canteen through the bars of her cell. She takes it and holds the loaf in her hands, staring at it. Her green eyes look back up at me and she says, "Thank you."

          "Actually," I say, "I'm the one who should be thanking you. Why did you do it? Why did you stand up to Blackbeard just so I wouldn't be treated like that?"

          She shrugs, looking at the ground again. I know she has a reason, I just don't know why. However, I don't push for an answer because she starts to shiver and I realize it is cold down here. "I'll be right back," I say and climb the ladder, getting her a blanket. When I reappear, she has her knees pulled up to her chest, her head buried in her knees.

          When I come near, she lifts her head slightly. I hand her the blanket and she takes it gratefully, wrapping it around herself. "Thanks," she says quietly.

          As Leia looks into my eyes, I notice something in her green eyes. "You've lost someone, haven't you?" I ask. She wears the look I wore when I realized I would never see Liam again.

          "Quite a few people, actually," she says.

          "What happened?" I sit down on the cold grown and wait for her to reply. She furrows her brow and looks at me, a look of confusion on her face. After a moment it fades and a faraway look replaces it.

          "My parents . . ." Leia pauses. "Well, they're not exactly themselves. They kind of went to the dark side or whatever you want to call it. Then there's my son. I don't know what happened to him. And everyone else I know, I don't know what happened to them either. Except for one person, but he doesn't remember me . . . No one does."

          "Why don't they remember?" I watch as she closes her eyes and looks up at the ceiling. I feel a pang in my chest for her. She's in great pain and I can tell. I want to help her.

          "There was someone who wasn't fond of my family at all. He made everyone forget about me. They don't even remember each other. I'm the only one who does. That's my curse . . ." her voice fades away and I notice that she's trying really hard not to cry.

          "That must be a terrible burden. I hope they eventually remember," I tell her. She lets out a bitter laugh then, as if I said something ironic.

          "They won't remember me," she says bitterly. "As much as I would love for them to, it's probably better this way. I would hate for them to have to go through what I am."

           "Perhaps they'd want to, so you wouldn't have to go through it alone," I suggest. "If someone I cared about was going through something like that, I'd want to remember with them."

          This just makes her more upset. "I'm sorry," I tell her. I stand up. I'm obviously making things worse than they have to be. I climb the ladder. Once I get to the top, I'm about to shut the hatch door when I hear her start to cry softly. I close the hatch door, not wanting to hear her cry. It brings a pain to my chest. I know I just met her, but I feel like I've known her forever.

                Emma Swan

          I have to be strong, I know this, but I can't stop the tears. The pain is so strong. I have never felt this helpless before. Whenever I was in a bad situation back in Storybrooke, I would always get through it because I had my family to help me. Now, I have no one. I think I prefer staying in the tower alone than having to be near someone I care about and not having them remember me.

          The worst part is; there is nothing I can do about this. Sure, I have my powers now, but what good will they do me? I am nowhere near powerful enough to change the book. No one is. Only Isaac can do that, and from what I can tell, he's not here.

          I think of Henry and hope for the billionth time that he's all right. He must be so terrified, alone in Storybrooke. "Please be okay," I whisper to myself. I keep hoping that he'll somehow come and find me. But how could he? He doesn't have the power to travel to different universes. I just have to face the fact that no one is able to reverse all of this.

          If Snow were here-when I say Snow, I mean my mother, not the evil Snow-she would tell me to have hope. She would tell me that no matter how bad or impossible any situation seems, there is always a way. I have tried for so long to believe that. But how can I have hope when there's no one in this universe who could possibly reverse this? How is there a way in this situation?

          "My name is Emma Swan," I whisper again, "I'm the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, I'm Henry's mother, and I am the Savior. No, I'm not the Savior. If that were true, everyone would remember. I should have hope. But I don't."




A/N: I'm actually liking this fanfic so far. I'm happy with it at the moment. At first I thought it might not work, but today I was listening to the song, Say Something, and I got this idea in my head and wrote one of the scenes near the end of the book and got a lot of inspiration, so I hope you like it! Maybe comment if you did?

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