Chapter Fourteen Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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                      Emma Swan

Trudging up the mountain is the hardest thing I've ever done. This mountain must be the steepest mountain in the whole entire Enchanted Forest. Breathing heavily, I rest against a tree, closing my eyes.

The wind is even colder up here. It makes my hands shake with cold, my nose turn red. My eyes droop as I continue up the mountain. Elsa might not be bothered by the cold, but I am. I just hope I'm almost there. I don't want to pass out like I did last time I encountered Elsa.

I think over everything Anna said and wonder how on earth Kristoff could live up here, even if he deals in ice. I think of everything Isaac changed. Elsa and Kristoff? Really? Poor Anna, having to be married to Hans. At least they don't remember their past life. At least they're not suffering in the memories. That would make everything ten times worse.

"There she is!" I hear someone yell. An arrow flies past my head. My eyes widen as I start running with all my might. I look over my shoulder and catch a glimpse of black armor. Black Knights. Either Hans woke up and decided to go to the Queen and Anna did nothing to stop him, or Anna changed her mind about me and told Snow who I am and where I'm going.

Arrows keep whizzing past me and I can't help but think that Snow should hire better knights with better aim. Even I could do better than this.

I run into the trees and hide until the Black Knights catch up with me. I hold out my hands and blast one with magic.
The others turn towards me and draw their swords, each one pointing directly at my throat.

"We know what you are," one of them says. "Our Queen has protected us from your magic. You can't hurt us."

"If that were true," I say, holding my hands out, "then my magic wouldn't have worked on him." I point to the knight knocked out on the ground. "So clearly, your Queen lied to you."

I thrust my right hand towards the guard on the left and he goes flying backwards. "Monster!" One of them screeches as they charge towards me.

Right as he gets to me, he suddenly stops. I look down at his feet and see ice spreading up his legs. Elsa walks around him, examining what she did.

"Who are you?" The knight exclaims, fear in his voice.

"From what I just heard, you'd call me a monster," Elsa says, no emotion in her face. She doesn't even flinch as the ice covers the knight and he freezes. The others run away, not wanting to end up like their friend.

Elsa turns to me, a smile on her face. "Are you all right?" I nod. She comes over to me and holds my hands in hers, examining them. "I've only ever seen one other person who's had magic. It's nice to know that there are more people out there like me. Although, I've never heard of anyone with my power. Anyways, I'm Elsa. And you are?"

Emma or Leia? "Leia," I decide. "I actually came here looking for you. Someone told me you could help me."

"Here, come to my ice palace and then I'll see what I can do for you," she says, taking my arm and pulling me a little farther up the mountain.

I can feel it before I see it. The temperature drops subtly. Then I see ice spires through the trees. When we get to the front of it, I'm awestruck. There's a long staircase leading to the door. It's all made out of ice. As I step up the stairs, I go slowly so I don't fall. Elsa seems to be having no trouble and gets to the top before me. She waits patiently.

Once I reach the top, she flicks her hand and the door opens. Going inside is like walking into a meat locker. I shiver and put my arms around my body in an attempt to keep myself warm.

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