Chapter Five The Advantage

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Emma Swan

          For the rest of the night, I stay awake, staring at the ground. I feel so numb inside, it's like the world has fallen away and all that remains is me. I'm only snapped out of it when I hear the hatch door open. I quickly flick my hands and my wrists are bound again. I act as if I'm sleeping, just in case it's Blackbeard.

          I'm lucky I rebound my wrists. I hear a rattling on my cage and act as if I'm startled out of a deep sleep. Blackbeard stands before my cage, an expectant expression on his face. He gestures towards the canteen and blanket. "Who gave you those?" he demands.

          I don't answer. When he starts to reach for his sword I say, "I don't know. I woke up and they were there. I can't tell you who gave them to me because I don't know."

          "Really?" he drawls. I nod. He doesn't buy it, but he doesn't say anything about it. "Why did Snow White lock you up, Savior?"

          "Same reason she locks anyone up. She didn't like what I was doing. Simple as that," I answer. I'm not telling this man anything.

          "And what exactly were you doing?"

          "Stuff," I answer, sounding bored. This seems to infuriate him. He unlocks the cage and grabs my arm, pulling me to my feet, making the blanket fall from my shoulders.

          He pulls me up the ladder. Once we're on deck, he leans me over the side of the ship. I look into the water. It seems so calm and peaceful. I smirk because I know Blackbeard wouldn't risk me dying. He needs me alive.

          "I'm not going to ask you again," Blackbeard says.

          "Yes you are," I tell him. "In every single situation like this, the question is always asked again, no matter what the person says. Also, you need me alive, so you won't kill me."

          "I won't?" Blackbeard scoffs. I nod. He leans me farther over the ship, so my feet lift from the ground. I still believe him to be bluffing. "Answer me." I don't. That's when he does in fact start to push me farther. I panic and my magic kicks in. A beam from my hands shoots out and hits him square in the chest. He yells and falls backwards.

          Now I'm in trouble. I didn't mean for them to figure out about my magic. That was the only element of surprise I had. Now I have nothing. Blackbeard stands up, fear in his eyes. Looking around, I notice every single person has fear in their eyes. I don't look for Killian because I don't want to see the look in his eyes. I don't want to see the fear that will surely be there.

          I can tell by the look in his eyes that Blackbeard is determining what to do with me. He seems at such a loss, he even looks at the rest of his crew. Covering his sign of weakness up he says, "Well, seems we've picked up a witch. What do you think we should do with her?"

          "I'm not a witch," I say. "I'm the Savior." Even though I don't mean those words, I try to make it sound like I mean them with my whole heart.

Blackbeard pulls out his sword and points it at me. He gestures for the rest of the crew to do the same. Most of them do-except one. "Answer my questions or die."

          "You really believe you can kill me?" I say with a scoff. "Good luck with that." Even though I have no intentions of killing anyone, that doesn't mean they have to know that. "You know what? I'll answer your question if you answer one of mine. I'll also go back to the brig if you really want me to."

          "Fine," Blackbeard says after hesitation. "What is it you want to know?"

          "Why'd you take me when you hardly know anything about me?" I cross my arms and lean against the side of the ship.

          "Money of course," Blackbeard says with an evil grin. "I wanted to give Snow White a ransom to pay. Ever since you've been locked up, many pirates have tried to kidnap you. Most fail. Except for us that is."

          I can't help the laugh that escapes. "You would be dead too if I hadn't stopped that dragon."

          "You?" One of the crew members says. "You did that?" I nod. "That explains it."

          "It's time for you to answer my question," Blackbeard says, stepping forward so the blade of the sword rests on my neck.

          "She locked me up because I'm a threat," I tell him calmly. "My powers are a threat to her so like any other threat, she locked it up. It's as simple as that really."

          "You're hiding something," Blackbeard says. "If you have powers, then why didn't you use them? Why did you let us lock you up?" He steps closer to me.

          "Because I'm exactly where I want to be," I answer. I watch as the expression in his eyes turns from anger to fear.

"You're going to kill me," he says slowly.

"No," I say. "Nothing like that."

"What do you want then?" He demands. The sword in his hand starts shaking. I doubt he's ever felt this afraid before. It surprises me that I have the ability in me to do this to someone. I'm thankful that I put up those walls around myself for all of those years. Even if it did keep me from trusting or loving anyone, it helped me to control the emotions that show on my face. While on the inside, I might be feeling numb, lost, unsure of myself, I'm not going to let them know that. I have the advantage right now. I'm going to keep it that way.

As I take a step towards Blackbeard, I hear someone cut a rope. I turn and see one of the crew members holding his sword out with a smile on his face. Before I can process what he just did, I feel someone push me out of the way and then I hear a loud clank.

I turn around and my eyes widen when I see that Killian lays on the ground, unconscious. A rope swings in the air with a huge metal weight on the end of it. "Killian," I say, running to his side.




Thanks for reading! I just wanted to recommend some more CaptainSwan stories to you. These are personally four of my favorites and you should really check them out. I'm so happy I found them. The order I put them in is just the order I read them in. 1) The Rain is Falling by @mollyofcallaghan 2) The Price of Freedom by @rkharris 3) Fathoms Below by  @darlingdearestdead 4) The Definition of Love by @welcometostorybrooke

You should really check their stories out!

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