Chapter Ten Last Thoughts

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Emma Swan

This is it. I always knew that one day Snow would find me if I escaped. I know I was just asking for her to capture me by sneaking in here, but I needed to. I need this ring. I need a reminder of the past. It's always been like that. I wore the necklace Neal gave me, and I wore Graham's shoelaces on my wrist. It's always been like that. This isn't any different.

Snow's words ring in my head. The evil smile on her face when she said that I would be executed in the morning leaves me feeling empty. For so long I pushed her away; David too. Everyone. I pushed everyone away, and that is the thing I regret the most. If I had just let myself love, I could have spent more time with them. We could've been a family. And now we'll never get to because of those stupid walls I put up.

I think of the time I threw those flowers in the trash and Mary Margaret told me: "Those walls of yours, they may keep out pain. But they may also keep out love." She was right. She's always right.

Now in the morning my mother is going to watch me be executed, and she's going to have a smile on her face while it happens. She's going to laugh in happiness because she thinks she's someone she's not. Isaac did this. He cursed us all here. I have never hated anyone more than I hate him. I hate him with every ounce of my being.

For the rest of the night, I rest my head on Killian's shoulder, his arm around me. He's only known me for a little while in this world and he trusts me. I don't know why that is. Maybe it's because before I came, Blackbeard was terrible to him. It could be because the curse didn't take away everything he felt for me, so when I'm around he doesn't feel so out of place. It could be a number of things.

I don't realize I've fallen asleep until I'm being shaken awake. My head jerks up and I see guards walking in. I suck in a breath as they open the cell door.

I turn to Killian and whisper so quickly I'm not sure he can keep up with what I'm saying, "I know you can't remember me or how I feel about you. I know you don't know what I know. But I need you to know that no matter what happens; I love you."

The guards grab my arms and haul me to my feet. I don't struggle. I let them drag me away because I know that no matter where I go or what I do, Snow will always find me. In the end, she will kill me.

They drag me into the courtyard and tie my arms up, putting a mask over my face. It's like exactly what happened with Snow when we went back in the past, but this time I'm the victim and Snow's the one doing the killing.

"Say goodbye," I hear Snow say. And then I'm engulfed in flames, the pain unbearable, smoke filling my lungs. I close my eyes. My last thought is of Killian, down in the dungeons, wishing I had been able to kiss him one more time.




Sorry for the short chapter! I would have made it longer and switched point of views, but the next chapter is going to be in a new point of view and they need their own chapter. (Here's a hint, the next chapter is going to be called: The Truest Believer.) What did you think? Comment your thoughts! Thanks for reading! :)

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