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Mickey's POV

I had just landed in LA, and I didn't have much luggage with me. I wasn't here on vacation, not even for work. As soon as I got out of the airport I took a taxi too the Neal house. Something was wrong and I knew it. I told the cab-driver where I wanted to go.

" Really? Are you sure you wanna go, THERE? " She said.

" Of course I am. " I said, and I became kinda unsure about it.

" Okay, I warned you. "

She drove very carefully once she pulled up on the street, and the closer we got to the house, the weirder it got. Houses on the street looked apocalypse like, they were broken, some of them almost looked like they'd been blown up. But the cab-driver ensured me that they hadn't. But she said that a terrible, inexpiable accident had happened about six months ago. No one got hurt, except for the people in one house. No one knew what had happened to them, but they all disappeared the day of the accident. And she said it right as we pulled up in front of the Neal house.

" There's no one here, so I don't understand why you wanna go here. But, anyway. Hope you have a nice day. " She said and smiled.

" Uh, you to. " I mumbled and stepped out of the car.

At the moment I stepped out of the car and looked at the house, I almost fell to the ground. I felt dizzy, sick and the world shrunk around me. The house first of all had no roof, every single window was broken and the were shuttered glass everywhere, the door stood wide open, but I didn't see much of how it looked inside. I stepped inside and shouted.

" Hello? Anyone here? "

On the inside it looked normal, except for the fact that the roof was missing and every single piece of furniture was covered in a thick layer of white dust. I walked around, I recognized everything, but it just looked so... broken, and sad. I picked up my phone, I knew Rhett hadn't answer his phone either but I gave it a shot. A few tones, voicemail. Nothing. I walked back out, the car was still here, and so was all the outside toys and bikes. I walked inside the garage where I found Links mountain bike, I jumped up on it and started biking towards the studio. Maybe someone there knew where Rhett and Link was?

Is this the real deal? (Rhett and Link fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now