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Mickey's POV

Rupert hung me up on the wall, and hooked me up with chains at my ankles and wrists. I screamed in pain as he used me as a punchbag.  I've never had someone punch me that hard, ever. At one point I started feeling sick and lightheaded. 

" Not so secure now are ya?! " Rupert shouted and kicked me once more in the stomach. 

I couldn't answer, but gave him a whimpering sound. 

" Aw, looks like the big bad wolf ain't so big any more! " 

He walked out of the room and once he closed the door my stomach decided to empty itself. After it did I felt even worse. Just hanging there, on the wall. Waiting to hear my friends, the people who protected me with their own lifes, going through the same pain as I did, but with a much worse ending. I started crying and suddenly felt something grabbing my chin. Rupert was back in the room. 

" I just didn't want you to be sick on me. Now, let me tell you a final secret. There is no way you're getting out of here. Ever. And your friends, well, they're gone. Long ago. " 

I looked up at him from underneath my hair. And he did the weirdest thing, he started to undress me. And once he did I felt a big wave of new, fresh power build up inside. The power was anger. It gave me strength to pull the chain out of the stone wall and I attacked him.

" Then let me tell you something. The big bad wolf is back. And she's worse than ever! " I screamed as I started tearing his face apart. He attacked back and said. 

" Well, she still doesn't have a chance of saving her friends. They're still all gone. For ever. "

The power grew bigger and bigger. I got angrier and angrier. And suddenly I felt my eyes burning, I was so angry that I started turning. It made me feel good, made me feel like I could actually take this guy down, once and for all. My claws sunk into his skin. 

" Now, Rupert. I know I may seemed nice. But that girl is gone, she's not here. Not anymore. " I said as I bit his shoulder hard enough for him to pass out, although there was almost no chance of him dying. I know my bites you know. 

I stood up and pulled my clothes back on, and ran into the room where I saw everyone still inside the globes. But there was one problem. They all seemed to be sleeping. There was a big TV screen in the corner. 

" Oxygen level low, danger! " It said. 

It was now I understood why everybody was laying down, they'd passed out from lack of oxygen. I tried to brake Lockes globe, it was the one I was closets to. I gave it all I had but it didn't brake. I kept punching and punching.

" Emergency! Emergency!" The TV screen said.

" Shut up! " I cried. 

It just kept repeating itself. 

I gave up and fell down on my knees, crying. Rupert was right, they weren't coming back. They're gone, and if they were gone, what was I suppose to do, or say for that matter. After a while I stood up again and gave Lockes globe a final hit. And at that very moment, it broke into tiny pieces. Locke was the size of a doll so I carefully picked him up and held him tightly against me. 

" Oh Locke. I wish I'd saved you. And now you're gone. "

I kept holding on to him until I heard coughing. Locke was coughing, meaning he actually was trying to breath. Pushed on his chest with both thumbs and then put my ear closer to him. I heard breathing. I picked him up like Simba from The Lion King. And suddenly I felt him getting heavier. He was growing back to his original size. I put him down where I he was safe and repeated the process for Jessie, Cristy and the rest of the kids. They were all still passed out, but they were breathing. But the real problem was Rhett and Links globes... they were so much bigger and heavier....

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