
14 1 1

Everything is black. Am I gone? Am I in some alternate transitional space? I look for any sign of- anything really, but there's nothing. I'm not even there, I can just see it. Blackness everywhere.

I try to open my eyes, fearing what horrible creature I may have to face, or maybe some awesome place. Who knows. I force myself to wake up.

I don't wake up on the ground, I don't see my body. I don't wake up in a hospital, or in the ground. I wake up in the corner the group hangs out in. I see Amanda, James and Kaylee talking, I see Jade and Sophia laughing, and I see Emmette and Sam making sexual references. Wait, what?

"What!?" I question rather loudly, as the group stares at me.

"You okay there Sav?" Sophia playfully strokes my arm.

"Stop it! You're dead! And so are you! Why are you he- my wish- guys, where are we?" I ask. They all think I'm crazy.

"Savannah, I'm not quite, dead? Um we are at school." Sophia remarks.

"You two aren't dead?" I ask Emmette and Sophia.

"Yes. And I'm a vampire, my dick sparkles." I hear James laugh from behind me. My eyes tear up.

"Savannah? What's wrong?" Sam asks.

"I had- I guess a bad dream." I say wiping away my tears.

"Hey James." Erin said nonchalantly. What? They are in jail."Erin, Kendall, go away." James said like he was tired of them.

"What's wrong don't want to be sitting with us? Look Savannah's even crying! We're not that bad." Kendall laughs. I feel a weird feeling like this has happened before. Normally I would have a stupid come back, but this time was different.

"Kendall, please go away." I ask sounding 100% serious.

"Wow, what's your problem?" She asks sliding up the wall.

"You. You know why? Cause if I'm not careful, my life will change. I don't want to have some of my friends dead and some broken. Leave me, my friends and everything about us alone get a life." I calmly say in her face.

"Freak. C'mon Erin." They get up and trot away.

"Uh- Sav? Are you.... High?" They all look at me. I slap a big grin on my face and jump on them and create a big group hug.

"I love you guys, and nothing will change that." I say happily. I got my life back, I'm not dead, I'm not depressed, there's no murderer chasing me. Maybe life is like a movie.


I walk home, happy the whole day, when a hand grabs my shoulder.

"Hey Savannah, I've got something to tell you." It's Sam. I bet I can freak him out.

"Yes, I know you liked me. I like you too." I laugh at Sam, who's face was priceless.

"How'd you know?" He asked cheeks turning pink.

"I had a- I just know." I grin loudly.

"What was with you at recess?" He laughs it off.

"Maybe someday I'll tell you, but today is not that day." I continue smiling.

"Savannah." I hear Emily call from ahead of me. 'Emily!' I run towards her and jump and hug her.

"Woah what's your problem?" She asks prying me off of her.

"Can't I hug my best friend without it being weird?"

"You full on panda raped me." She said giving in to the hug.

"Lesbihonest." I quote pitch perfect.

I learned something that day. I learned that once you say something, or do something, you can never undo it. I also learned once you lose something, you never get it back. I learned to value everything so much more, and treat everything like you're dying. I have a chance to change my fate, and I took that chance.

This is my story. Savannah, out.


This is the end. There's an epilogue I'll post today as well :) I've had a great time writing this book! I know it's not great, but I had fun :) thank you for staying with me.

Stay fagulous

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