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I checked my outfit and my braids before jumping out of my white Range. I had on a black halter top that showed off my belly button ring, a black belt with a gold buckle, a pair off ripped 90's mom-style type jeans, and all-black Converse.

I grabbed my binder and leather backpack and got out of my car. I put my black sunglasses on and strutted into my new school. Many guys stopped to look at me and a lot of girls gave me stank looks but I ignored them and headed into the office to get my schedule.

I took off my sunglasses and walked up to the front desk where a middle-aged white woman smiled brightly at me.

"Hello there!" She said.

"Hi," I said innocently. "I'm new here and I came to get my schedule for the first semester."

"Okay," She said, opening a drawer. "Name?"

"Chanel Lee." I said.

The lady scavenged into the drawer until she found it. "All AP classes," She said, handing me the paper. "Looks like we have an overachiever."

I laughed a little and started walking out. "Thank you so much."

"No problem," She said. "Welcome to California."

I heard the bell ring and I looked at my schedule to see what my first period of the day was. "AP Lang with Mr. Jones," I mumbled to myself. "Room 423."

I kept on walking straight until I got there. I walked in and everyone's attention was turnt to me. I was taken aback a bit but ignored it and went to the teacher's desk.

"Hello," I started, making the teacher turn his attention from his computer to me. "I'm Chanel Lee and I'm new."

"Yeah," Mr. Jones said. "The office told me a new student was coming."

He then stood up from his chair and walked in front of his desk. He clapped his hands loudly to stop everyone from talking.

"Listen up everyone!" He pointed to me. "This is Chanel and she's new to this school, so I expect for you all to welcome her warmly. Chanel, why don't you tell the class a little about you?"

I nodded and looked at the mass of eyes watching me. "Hello. My name is Chanel Lee, I'm sixteen years old, and I moved here from Atlanta."

"I'd hit!" I heard one kid with a football jacket on in the back yell, making the majority of the boys laugh. I roll my eyes and Mr. Jones scolded them.

"Why don't you take the seat next to Mr. Bieber over there." He said, pointing to the empty desk. I nodded and walked to the desk. I could feel a couple of people looking at my booty but I just sat down and pretended like I didn't know. I didn't have time for thirsty ass fuck boys.

I pulled out a notebook and a mechanical pencil and started to take notes. In the middle of Mr. Jones' lecture, I felt a finger tap my shoulder. I turned my head to the left and my eyes met a pair of chocolate brown ones. For a white boy, he was fine af.

"Hey," He started, his eyes never leaving mine. "Can I borrow a pencil? I forgot to bring one."

"Sure," I said, unzipping my purple pencil case and grabbing another mechanical pencil. "But only if I get it back."

"Feisty," He said, taking the pencil from me. "I like it."

"Well get use to it."


I give the campus guard lady my lunch pass and she let me through. I walked to my car and started to drive to Chick-Fil-A with Diego by Tory Lanez blasting through the speakers.

I got into a parking space, climbed out of the car, and went inside. The place was fairly crowded, since lots of kids from school and workers got a lunch break at this time.

When it was my turn, I ordered a frosty lemonade, ten piece chicken nuggets, and some waffle fries. I say down and started texting my mom about how my day was going.

A lady gave me my food and I thanked her. I started to eat my food, content with how good the chicken tasted. The frosty lemonade had a little ice cream in it and it was good at first, then it got too over - powering.

"Hey Chanel!" I heard a girly voice call. I turn my head to see Amanda, a cute Latina girl that I was lab partners with in AP Human Anatomy.

"Hi!" I said, waving at her.

"Come and sit with us!" She said.

I nodded, grabbed my, and sat at her table.

"Guys," Amanda said to her friends. "This is Chanel. Chanel this is Justine, Min Ji, Bella, and Juan."

"Nice to meet you guys." I said.

"So," Min Ji asked. "Have you met Justin Bieber yet?"

"Oh that one white boy with the bleach blonde hair?" I asked. All of them nodded. "He's ight."

"Just ight?" Bella said. "That boy is fine."

"The things I would do to that boy." Juan said and we all laughed.

"I mean he was cool and all. He just asked for a mechanical pencil, I let him, we took notes, class was over, and then he gave it back."

"Just stay clear of Bitchabelle." Justine said.


"Justin's cheerleader girlfriend Isabelle, who will slice your throat if you even breathe in the same direction as him." Amanda explained.

"Oh..." I trailed off.

As the lunch break went on I felt like Amanda and her squad was really cool. I even got their phone numbers!
Maybe this move wasn't as bad as I thought.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now