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"Yo!!" Chanel yelled to me from inside the ice rink.

I waved to her and shakily made it on the ice. I held my camera tightly to me because if I fell down on my butt and it wasn't protected, all $800 would be down the drain.

"Why. Did. We. Have. To. Meet. Up. At. The. Ice skating rink?" I asked, panting with each word. Ice skating is such hard work when you don't know what the hell you're doing.

"You wanted to know more about me for the project," She said. "Well here's where to start."

"Fine," I said, rolling my eyes playfully. "I'm only doing this for an A."

"Whateva." Chanel kissed her teeth. She spun around on the ice with her arms open wide. "Weee!"

I chuckled and took a couple of shots of her spinning and twirling around on the ice. I put my camera down for a minute and watched as she played around and my breath was taken away. Chanel was so beautiful but not the typical beautiful everyone just say in a whim. She was an undefined beautiful that I couldn't put a finger on.

But you love Isabelle...

"Fuck Isabelle." I whispered out loud to myself.

Chanel soon stopped spinning around and skated toward me.

"Skate with me." She said, grabbing my free arm.

"Nooo." I whined.

"Why not?" She asked. "Don't tell me you can't skate."

I was silent for a minute.

"Oh my god," Chanel said chuckling. "Justin Bieber, the star quarterback, can't skate."

"Are you just gonna laugh at me for the rest of the day or..."

"No no no. I'll teach you." She said through giggles.

"I don't know..." I said unsurely.

"You'll never learn if you never try." She quoted.


"Yay!" Her eyes light up. "Go put the camera up and came back."

I nodded and carefully skated to One of the benches. I put the camera down and skated back to Chanel.

"I'm surprised I haven't fell in my ass yet." I joked and Chanel laughed.

God I love her laugh.

"C'mon crazy." She said shaking her head. She grabbed my hand and it felt like lightning bolts hit me.

We started to skate hand in hand and I was starting to get the hang of it.

"I think I can do it." I said to her.

"See," Chanel said. "I told you you could."

I let go of the railing and held Chanel's other hand. We were skating so well until I lost control and I fell down, Chanel coming down with me.

"Oww!" I groaned in pain.

"We really need to stop this." She said back.

"I agree."

We locked eyes for a moment. Chanel then broke it and helped me get up. She looked at the ground and bit her lip. I wanted to kiss those lips so bad but my thoughts were not helping me.


Don't do it Jay, you have to be loyal to Isabelle and Isabelle only.

Forget Isabelle, she won't supply your needs like Chanel will.




"I can't take this anymore." I said and without thinking I clashed my lips into hers.

She was stiff at first but then kissed back. We kissed for what felt like eternity and then pulled away. I rested my forehead on her, breathing heavy.

"I think I might be in love with you." I whispered.

Chanel's eyes got wide with shock. "I-I think I might be in love with you too, Justin."

I smiled widely. "I'm so glad you feel the same way--"

"But we can't do this." She interrupted.

My smile disappeared. "Why not?"

"You're dating Isabelle and I'm dating Za," She stated. "What we just did was cheating."

"I don't care about Isabelle," I said, trying to get Chanel into a hug. "I want you."

"No." She said pulling away. "That's not fair to Isabelle. I can't--"

"Isabelle is so horrible to you. Why do you care about how she feels?" I asked.

"I just can't do this." She said with tears in her eyes. She started to skate back to the lockers.

"Chanel! Chanel!" I yelled to her but she kept on going.

"You can't run away from me forever!"

"Bye Justin!" She yelled back with tears rolling down her eyes. And with that she left.

"UUUUUGGGGHHHHH!" I exclaimed.

But she'll be back.

She always comes back.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now