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I woke up that Saturday feeling around of myself. My first week at my new school was a success and I even made a huge group of friends! Today I was going to the mall with Amanda and the rest of the squad.

I climbed out of bed, went to my bathroom, and started my shower. While my shower was heating up, I when to my closet to get my outfit.

I grabbed my army green bomber jacket, a black halter top, a pair of black skinny jeans, and some Tims.

"Chanel! Time for breakfast!" My dad yelled from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I said back. I grabbed my purse and phone and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

My dad set my plate on the table and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm so glad you found some new friends to hang out with." He said, turning off the stove.

"Me too." I said, shoveling food in my mouth.

I heard a car horn outside the house as I finished my meal. "That's Amanda." I got up, grabbed my stuff, and kissed my dad goodbye.

"Have fun Chan." He called.

"I will." I said. I closed the door behind me and jogged to Amanda's red BMW.

"Hey!" Min Ji yelled from the back seat.

"We saved shot gun for you." Juan said.

"Thanks." I said, smiling widely as I buckled myself up.

"Let's roll!" Amanda screamed with excitement, the rest of us screaming and laughing.

She turned on Sorry Not Sorry by Bryson Tiller and turned out of my subdivision.


"Remind me why are we at the mall again?" I asked my homie Za annoyingly.

"Because I wanted to lay some game on some cute ass girls." Za said.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"Nigga, just because you're taken doesn't mean you have to look down on everyone who does." He huffed back.

I rolled my eyes and continued to drink my blue raspberry slushie. Then, I saw her, the new girl from my AP Lang class with the pretty face walking with a few American Apparel bags and a few people I saw from school.

"Damn," Za said, eyeing Chanel up and down. "New girl looking bad as hell."

I huffed and Za just kissed his teeth at me. Don't get me wrong, I love Za like a brother and we've known each other since kindergarten. But the way he talked about women was a little sexist and disrespectful.

"Now is my time to make my move. I'll be back." He said, getting up from the bench.

"It's not gonna work." I called. He flipped me off and I just chuckled in response.

He walked to her and she smiled. Damn, her smile was pretty.

Wait, what?

No, I love Isabelle and Isabelle loves me.

Nothing can change that.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and watched Za exchange numbers with her. I thought she would be smarter than that but I guess I was wrong.

Za came back smiling and put his phone in my face. "Who's the man now?"

"Still not you." I joked.

"Whateva," He said. "I'm hungry, you wanna go to the food court?"

"Sure." I said.

We got off the bench and started walking. But for some reason I couldn't get Chanel's smile out of my mind. She was so breath taking and there was something to her that made her look glowing.

But I couldn't be catching feelings for her. I had a beautiful girlfriend and I had to stay faithful.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now