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The ride to the restaurant was dead quiet and it made me extremely uncomfortable. I wanted to speak up and say something, but Chanel's old man was going to just shoot me down.

"We're here." He boomed, snapping me from my thoughts.

Chanel saw me jump and held my hand. I looked at her and she smiled. "Just be yourself." She reminded me. I nodded and jumped out the car.

Chanel's dad watched me run to Chanel's door and opened it up for her. He nodded his head in approval, which I guessed it meant I was doing something right.


I held Chanel's seat out for her and she sat down, thanking me. I sat down in my seat and waited for her dad to question me.

"So Justin?" He started.

"Yes sir?" I asked confidently.

"What do your parents do?"

"My mom's an architect," I said giving him full eye contact. "She's always gone doing structures for buildings all over the world. She's in Hong Kong for the weekend."

"And your father?" He asked. I choked on this one.

"Dad." Chanel warned him.

"It's okay," I reassured him. "He left when I was two. I had to learn to be the man of the house at an early age."

"I understand," Chanel's dad said, looking at the menu. "My dad left my mom at the hospital while she was giving birth to me."


"But I respect that you're stepping up and being by your mother's side," He looked me in my eyes. "Never forget that."

"Yes sir."

"So what are your plans after high school?"

"I definitely want to go to college to become an engineer." I said.

"I have one last question to ask you." He said.

"Ask away." I said smiling.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

I knew I had to answer this question carefully one wrong thing and he will never accept Chanel and I's relationship. I looked at Chanel and took a deep breath.

"I know I'm too young to think about marriage but," I got lost in Chanel's eyes. "I know I can't be without her in my life. She's everything that I could ever want. She gives me so much happiness and joy when I see her, and without her, I'm so lost. I want to treat ten times better than she treats me. She just has to give me the chance to do that."

"Alright," He sighs. "I accept y'all's relationship."

Chanel shrieked with happiness and hugged me tight. A smile cracked on my face. I wanted to hold her forever.

"However." He held up his finger, breaking our happy atmosphere.

Oh no.

"Chanel is my one and only daughter, Justin. I love her and would give anything up for her. She is very precious to me. And if I ever see my baby cry under any circumstance, I will be your worst nightmare, understand?"

"No worries sir." I smiled.

Chanel kissed my cheek and we hugged again. She smelled like flowers and peppermint. I would kill to smell that scent for the rest of my life.

A/N: Next chapter is the last chapter. I feel so sad because I really like writing this story and having positive feedback from all of you. I do have a BWWM Jason McCann fanfic coming out soon called "Break From Toronto" because PARTYNEXTDOOR is bae haha. Anyway I hope you guys loved this chapter.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now