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"Steph Curry with the shot boi!" Za exclaimed, dunking on me in 2K15.

"Man you cheated." I joked.

"Boy you just salty," He said back. "Oh I forgot to tell you something."

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm taking Chanel out for dinner and a movie on Friday."

My heart felt like it stopped beating. I couldn't believe Za actually asked her out or that Chanel said yes. It kinda hurt.

Why are you even in your feelings Jay?

She's not even yours.

Hell, you're not even single.

My conscious was right. Isabelle is the only girl for me. It will always be like that.

"Oh for real?" I said.

"Yeah," Za said, turning off the game. "At first I wasn't sure if she would say yes but it actually wasn't hard."

"Are you gonna smash?" I asked. I felt like I was on the edge of my seat.

"Maybe," He said. "But not this time. I need to gain trust first."

I knew he would treat her like garbage!

I couldn't believe Za! Chanel is not like the other girls that he usually got with. She deserves the good things in life, not people who treat her like this. I couldn't let this happen.

I started to text Chanel.

Me: meet me at the Park tomorrow after school for more project stuff.

It took her not too long to answer.

Chanel: okay, see you then.

No matter what my conscious said, I wasn't going to let Chanel get hurt.


After school I went down to park. I dusted off my blue jean overall dress and white crop top before getting out of the car.

I call up Justin and it takes five rings before he picks up.

"Hello stranger." I hear him say.

"Where are you?" I ask, looking around.

"The sixth three to the right." Justin said laughing.

"I don't see-- oh wait never mind." I say, waving at him. He waves back and I walk over to him.

"You're ten minutes late." Justin said, pouting.

"I had to take my friend Justine home because her car is in the shop," I explained. "I can't be at everyone's beg and call."

"Whatever," He joked. "Let's get started." He takes a picture of me with his camera and I look at him weird.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking pictures for the project," Justin said. "Duh."

"Ooo, can I see?" He just chuckled at me and turns the camera towards me so I could see.

"You like it?" He asked.

I scrunch my nose at it. "I look gross."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do," I say and I put my hand out towards him. "Give it to me so I can delete it."

"It looks fine Chanel." Justin said.

"Give it." I whine.

"No." He whines back. I start to wrestle with him and we both start laughing.

"Please Justin!" I yell, trying to get the camera.

"No!" He yells back. We wrestle some more until I accidentally fall on top of him.

My face was inches away from his and our laughing seized. Our eyes locked and I felt my heart beat really fast.

He's taken Chan. Stop.

You're suppose to like Za, not him.


I get off of Justin quickly and he got up from the ground. I dust off my clothes and scoot myself further away from him.

"Sorry about that," I started, fumbling with my fingers. "I slipped."

"Accidents happen." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

My phone buzzed and I checked it. It was Za. The Lord answered my prayers.

Za: You looked so pretty today. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

I smiled and texted back.

Me: I can't wait to see you too. It's gonna be so much fun.

"What's so funny?" Justin asked me.

"Nothing," I said. "Za just texted me."

"Oh..." He trailed off.

What's his problem?

"I heard you two were going on a date." He said, changing the subject.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I've known him since we were five," Justin said. "I know him more than he knows himself."

"That's adorable." I cooed.

"Yeah," He said. "Do you like him?"

"Of course." I said. To be honest, I really didn't know.

He was silent for a little bit before speaking again. "Do you want me to be completely honest with you?"

"Yeah." I said, a little nervous about what he was going to say.

"Za is a little...well..."

"Spill it Bieber." I said impatiently.

"Za is a hit it and quit it guy." Justin started.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"He goes on dates with girls just to have sex with them."

"What?!" I yell, getting up. Some people were starting to stare, but I didn't care.

"I just want to look out for you." Justin said calmly, trying to get me to lower my voice.

"With all do respect Justin." I start. "I don't know what you're trying to do but you need to mind your business."

"I'm trying to protect you Chanel. I know Za and he's not a really good guy for you." He said.

"I'm going on a date with him tomorrow," I say, grabbing my phone. "With or without your advice."

I turn around and start walking towards my car.

"C'mon Chanel! Chanel!" Justin called, but I kept on walking.

I didn't stop until I got to my car. I climbed in and drove away from the park. Jumpman by Drake and Future blasted through my speakers. That song surprisingly matched with my mood.

I wanted to forget about my feelings for Justin and him trying to "protect" me from Za wasn't helping.

"Ugh!" I yelled, hitting my head on my steering wheel in frustration.

I was soo annoyed with my life.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now