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The weekend went hella quick and I was actually just happy to go to school because of the people there. Other than that I hated going to class.

I walked into my AP Lang class and I was greeted and complimented by everyone I went past to get to my seat.

"I like your outfit Chanel." A blonde girl said to me.

"Thanks." I said. Today I had on a black Travis Scott concert tee, black overalls, and my all black Converse. My braids were in a messy ponytail.

A red headed girl elbowed her hard and the blonde girl yelped and rubbed her elbow in pain. The red headed girl gave me a stank look and I walked away confused.

I sat in my seat next to Justin and he smiled at me. I smiled back and saw the red headed girl watching me. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my binder and pencil case.

"Good morning class!" Mr. Jones said and the whole class groaned in response.

"Today are going to talk about your projects."

One kid raised his hand and Mr. Jones called on him.

"How many points is this?" He asked.

"Two hundred."

We all groaned.

The blonde girl that complimented me earlier, who I later learned was named Sydney raised her hand and got called on.

"Do we get to pick to pick partners?"

"No." Mr. Jones answered.

"Now, I'm going to announce the groups." He grabbed a clip board off his desk and started to read names. I waited anxiously to see who was my partner. "Isabelle, you're with Sydney and Justin, you're with Chanel. That's it."

The red headed girl raised her hand.

"Yes Isabelle?" Mr. Jones asked annoyed.

I knew that had to be her.

"Can I work with Justin?" She asked.

"No you can not." Mr. Jones said and started to talk about the project.

The whole time I felt Isabelle watching me. But I ignored it. I didn't have time for pale ass white girls and their pettiness.

"The concept of this project is to take pictures of either one of you in your group and create a collage," Mr. Jones started. "You will also write a clear and concise paper on the concept of your collage and why you picked that person to be the focus."

"Now, meet with your partners and talk about what topic you want to use for your project."

Justin turned to me. "I think you should be the main focus."

"What?" I said, a little shocked.

"I mean if you want to..." He said, looking down at the floor.

"I mean I could." I said nervously.

"Okay," He said. "We'll go to your house after school."

"Sounds like a deal."

The bell rang and we all filed out for our next class.


I at lunch I sat in a In-N-Out bench outside with Isabelle, Za, Ryan, and Ryan's girlfriend Michaela.

"Why are you smiling so much?" Ryan asked Za.

He had been typing away and laughing at his phone for about twenty minutes.

"It's nothing." Za said, finally looking up.

"Is it a girl?" Michaela gasped.


"Who is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you." He protested.

"Come on." Isabelle whined.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" We chanted.

"Fine," He said a little annoyed. "It's Chanel."

My heart dropped.

"That new girl?" Michaela asked.


"She's pretty." Isabelle said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. She's just mad because I got a project assigned with her.

"You guys would so look good together!" Michaela said, hugging Za.

"My little boy's growing up." Ryan said, wiping a fake tear.

"Nigga, we don't do gay stuff like that around here." Za corrected. Ryan just laughed.

I looked down at my phone and got up. "We got seven minutes before the warning bell rings for seventh period."

To be honest I just wanted to escape the conversation with Za and Chanel. I don't know why I felt this way but whatever it was it needed to stop.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now