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It had been two weeks since Chanel said she loved me and couldn't live without me. It felt good to know that she felt the same way I do.

I heard banging on my front door, breaking my thoughts. I paused my Parks & Rec episode, got up from the couch, and came to the door.

As soon as I opened it Chanel left in my arms, kissing me harshly. I chuckled in the kiss and shut the door behind us.

"Some one's excited to see me." I joked.

"I'm just happy you're mine that's all." She smiled widely.

I looked at her hair. Her braids were replaced with big curly black hair.

"You changed your hair..." I stated, analyzing it.

"You like it?" She twirled around and fluffed her hair.

"I love it!" I said picking her up, placing her legs around my waist.

"I'm so glad to hear that," She started. "Because even if you didn't, I still would rock it anyways."

"Feisty," I joked. I pecked her on the lips. "I like it."

"Get use to it." She repeated from the first time we met.

We locked eyes for a moment and then I crashed my lips onto hers. Chanel moaned loudly, enjoying every moment of it. I started to carry her up the steps to my bedroom, but I got so distracted by her that I bumped into a wall.

"Justin." Chanel moaned as I kissed her neck.

"Huh?" I mumbled onto her neck.

"I'm ready." She said. I stopped kissing her and looked at her with a huge smirk on my face.

"Meet me up there and I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay." She said.

When she turned around to head up my steps I slapped her ass. She gasped and ran up the steps. I chucked and started to celebrate on how I ever got so lucky.

Chanel // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now