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Justin fell off of me panting. It was crazy how much I loved him so much that I was willing to give myself up for him.

"You were so good baby." I whispered in his ear.

"You better stop before you start something you can't finish again." He joked.

"Whatever." I kissed my teeth and grabbed my phone from Justin's nightstand.

Justin swing his hand underneath his bed and grabbed a black Nike shoe box. He opened it up and it was three zip lock bags of weed and some gold rolling papers.

"What are you doing?" I asked him confused.

"I'm going to light a blunt." He said in a duh tone.

"I don't want you to smoke Jay," I warned. I straddled his lap. "I want you to live a happy life and not be weighed down by addiction. I love you too much to see you go down that painful road."

Justin put the box on the nightstand and put his hands on my hips. "I guess I can stop for you." He said smiling.

"That's my baby," I pecked his lips. "That brings me to ask you a question."

"Ask away."

"Would you like to meet my dad today?" I asked. I was a little nervous about asking him because I didn't want him to get freaked out.

"I would love to!" Justin said excitedly.

"Okay," I said smiling. "Come by my house at six tonight."

"Alright," Justin started analyzing my body. "But you better wear that short tight red dress that I like."

"We'll see." I teased.

I tried to get up from the bed to get my clothes so I can get home, but my legs gave up. Justin just chuckled at me.

"Yep," He said popping the p. "I tore that pussy up."

"Shut up." I laughed.


When I got home I immediately got in the shower and washed my body and hair. I lathered my body in coconut oil and went to my room to search for a dress to wear.

I found a pale pink bralette and skirt set with white Versace heels. And knowing my dad, I put on a floor length white trench coat to cover up my arms. I also straightened my hair, which I never did when I decided to wear my natural hair and not my box braids.

The doorbell rang. "Chanel!" My dad called.

"In a minute!" I yelled back. I spritzed some Ari by Ariana Grande perfume on, grabbed my clutch, and jogged down the stairs to open the front door.

I was greeted by a smiling Justin when I opened up the door.

"Hello beautiful." He said.

"Hey." I said shyly. I felt my cheeks getting hot.

Justin revealed the hand that was behind his back with a huge bouquet of red and white roses.

"You shouldn't have." I said shocked. What started to be a cute and innocent peck on the cheek turned into a big make up session.

"HHHHMMMMM!" My dad loudly cleared his throat behind me, breaking Justin and I's kiss.

"Ummm," I started nervously. "Dad, this is my boyfriend Justin. Justin, this is my dad, Cameron."

"I know you," My dad started, getting in front of me. "You're the boy that caused my baby girl quite the confusion."

"Yes sir." Justin said weakly, intimidated by my dad's six foot seven stature.

"I hope you don't do it again," My dad said strongly. "Or I'll going to have to exchange more than words with you."

"Okay," I said, cutting my dad off. "Let's go before we miss our reservation, shall we?"

"Y-Yeah." Justin croaked out. I quickly held his hand and we walked to my Dad's Lambo.

A/N: The story is almost over and I'm really sad about that. But don't worry because I have a couple of BWWM Justin and Jason fanfics coming!!!

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