Party Time

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As soon as we arrive all three girls hook up with their "boyfriends" but I stay in a corner of the room.

I look down at the outfit the girls have me. Ripped shorts, red and black flannel, and a red lace shirt. See through and my legs are showing a lot just great. I cross my arms feeling really self-conscience about my appearance when a hot guy walks towards me.

"Hey baby," says this hot drunk guy. "Wanna dance with me? I see you're all alone with no boyfriend. So do ya?" all of his words slur together.

"I guess." I reply.

He takes me by my waist and begins to lead our erotic dance on the dance floor.

I eventually get into the dance, the dance description should be left unsaid but what happens after should be.

We begin to slow dance due to his being drunk. During this dance I burry my head into his chest and take in the moment.

I look up into his eyes and see they have glazed over. He blinks and stares into my eyes. He then leans down and puckers his lips and kisses me. On the lips!

He just stole my first kiss and I don't even know his name! Gaaahhhh!

I push him off me. "I can't believe you just did that!" I yell.

"Huh. I thought we were connecting." he says with nothing but confusion dancing in his eyes.

"Oh." I say blatantly.

"Yeah now let me finish."he leans down and begins kissing me again. Only this time I kiss him back.

After what seems like forever we stop.

"I have a question. What is your name?" I ask.

"Eric. Yours?"

"Dylan." we kiss again. Erick picks me up bridal style while kissing me and carries me up some stairs.

My eyes still closed I hear a door creak open. My eyes instantly snap open.

"What are you doing?" I ask terrified.

"What do you think?" his smile slants in a way that says nothing but trouble.

"I'm only 16 okay not doing this yet. I'm not ready." Eric lays me down gently on a bed that has no sheets.

"Of course not Luna. I would never take advantage of you." he gets down on one knee and bows his head.

"Luna. What does that mean?"

"Wait you don't know?" I shake my head. "Oh well you aren't marked yet so that makes sense and-" he sniffs the air. "You don't smell like him either. That means- YES!" Eric begins dancing like an idiot would if he got and A plus on a test.

"Why are you so happy?"



"Finally my alpha didn't claim another super pretty girl as his! He didn't call dibs! You're not his toy! You should be grateful." he states seriously.

"Oh." a smile creeps onto my face and I get up and begin dancing too.

Five minutes or so later we fall to the floor laughing.

Suddenly Eric is on his feet.

"What's wrong?" he turns with terror in his eyes.

"He's here." he replies with a shaky breath.

"Who?" I already know the answer before he says anything.

"Alpha Zach."

"Beta Eric." his loud voice booms.

"Yes Alpha in here." Eric says dryly.

"And....that girl?"


Alpha Zach walks in like a boss and shoves Eric to the side.

"Bitch!" he slaps me across the face. Eric growls but stands stiff. "You shut up. And you should not have run away. You are in a lot of trouble girl."

"You are so demanding so cruel! And you are so quick to assume shit! I did nothing to you and yet I'm being punished for what? Huh. Existing?" I crook my head to the side making sure I don't cry before the enemy.

He begins slapping me in between each word in his sentence. "You." slap.
"Deserve." slap. "All." slap. "Punishments." slap. "That." slap. "Come." slap. "Onto." slap. "You!" before he can slap me again Eric grabs his hand.

"That should be enough Alpha." he says darkly.

"You're right." Alpha Zach smirks and then turns towards his beta. "It should shouldn't it?" he quickly sucker punches Eric right across the face.

"Now where were we oh yeah." he slaps my face so hard I black out. The last thing I hear is low growls.

The suns warm glow wakes me alongs with the sound of beeping. Alarm clock maybe?

My eyes flutter open and a pair of dark eyes meet my own. Eric.

He smiles kindly but all I can see is the pain behind his eyes.

I focus on his physical appearance. His light brown hair that swoops to the side. His skin mixed light and dark. And his eyes dark brown almost black with rage.

I notice his black eye and the bruise on his cheek. I just reach out and stroke it to make sure it doesn't hurt. And if it does hurt kiss it and hope it heals.

He smiles and I avert my eyes and pretend to observe the rest of the room I'm in.

Beige walls with brown curtains. There are four lamps and a tv. Looking around I see four chairs. One contains a worried Eric another a sleeping "Alpha". I nearly scream. I try to get up but I quickly fall back down.

I'm scared. Is all I can think of as I stare at the Alpha.

Eric comes next to me and grabs hold of hand. "Don't worry." he whispers reassuringly and he kisses my forehead softly. "He can't hurt you."

"Of course I can just not now." Alpha Zach mumbles. "I'm immobi-bilized. Nothing spec-" he falls back to sleep and I feel as if I can breath again.

"See." Eric gestures towards the Alpha. I nod.

"Now get some rest and I'll fill you in later." he smirks and winks. He stand and walks away like a soldier going to war. He is obviously not drunk anymore.

The perv in me smiles as I stare contently at his back side. He turns his head slightly and gives me a sideways smile. "Like what you see." he laughs and sits on the chair.

My eyes suddenly become heavy and sleep hits me in the head.

Taken By My Cruel Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now