Let The Torture Begin

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Dylan POV

Waking up in a cold room is not my cup of tea. I try to stand when I am literally swept off my feet by someone I did not expect to be so kind.

"I can't believe he marked my mate. You are mine and mine alone. I can do what I want to you when I want because you belong to me"

WTF I DON'T belong to anyone. Why can't anyone get that.

Somehow my hand instinctively slides to my left side. Suddenly this is not some bad grades nightmare I used to have when I was little. This shit is real.

Zack is mumbling just loud enough for me to hear him repeating the word mine.

Ugh. Why am I in this situation? God why do you hate me!?

While still in his arms he lays down.
I turn over staring at the man who won't let go.

His lips are held in a tight line and his face has troubled written all over. His brown looks like he has been running his fingers through it but at the same time it looks styled.

His eyes are glued shut but I know what lies behind as images from nights ago trail into my partially sleep mind.

His jaw line slowy twitches and I become alert. My eyes quickly snap to his now open, angry eyes. I try to roll away- key word try- but an arm wall stands in the way. A jolt of a somewhat electric shock hits my back as I try to back away.

"Don't. You have already done enough to piss me off." he growls out. Slowly I crawl back into his arms.

We stay like this all night before he loosens his arms falling into a deep enternal sleep. Slowy i creep out of his arms and roll inch by inch. I'm doing so well until I fall off the bed.


"Dylan where the hell are you!" he fumes.

"Down here," I wave as an indication of my location.

He grunts, walks around and picks me up bridal style. Suddenly I'm being rocked back and forth in his arms. Slowly sleep envelopes me but not before Zack lowers me delecately on the bed and lies down again taking me in his arms and kisses my forehead as if I am going to break. This time I don't budge.

This feels right.

As morning rolls around, the sound of birds and their deafening sing song chirps force my body to wake up along with my brain.

I sit up to stretch but something is connected to my wrist causes me to fall back on the head board.

Looking at my wrist I say "What the fuck!?"

"I see you're awake." his venomous voice breaks through my thoughts causing me to give myself whiplash.

Seeing his hideous smirk "what the hell? Why am I handcuffed?" I ask while waving my wrist as far as I can to get my point across.

"Because," he sneers. "I still have that list of chores that needs to be done by," he checks his watch. "5 pm and you have three hours. That's why you are locked up so that you wouldn't try to....well you know. Anyways once I unchain you do not try anything while I'm out. Catch you later." he smirks while unlocking my handcuffs.

Me being me, mind you I am very slow at times, I punch him square in the jaw. But again he smirks.

"Nice for a worthless girl whose brother still won't come for her," my whole body goes numb. "Oh did I hit a soft spot oops." then he leaves.

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