My Wolf's Mate

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"What do you mean his wolf!?" I scream.

"Like I said his wolf has taken over. He's looking to take that special little thing all girls and boys have when-"

I cut him off. "The V card. I get it." I huff. "Anyways why is his wolf after me? Is it because of the mate thing?"

Jarred sits crossed legged on the ground before answering. "Yes and no."

"Elaborate." he continues.

"Well yes because he- uh his wolf needs his mate. No because he has wai-" he pauses as the sound of crashing glass is heard downstairs. "Stay here Lun- I mean D." he smirks before slamming the door from the outside.

"Dick." I mumble out. Well what to do what to do?

Boredom is like cancer.... No matter how hard you try to find the cure it either works and there's side effects, aka you get in to trouble, or it doesn't work and you're dead of both.

I start to walk around his room to find something remotely interesting to investigate.

After looking around for, what felt like, 15 minutes I decide to lay down on his bed and think about life.

"Why do people lie? Why can't I be normal? Does the God I believe in hate me for being....this? Ugh!" I chuck a pillow towards the door but instead of it hitting the door it hit something else. More like someone else.

"Al-alpha Z-Z-Zack. W-w-why are y-y-you here?" well confidence just flew out the door. Possibly even my sanity.

He smirks at my lack of confidence. "Scared my little mate? There's no need. I will always protect you. Just let me love you." ugh cheesy much?

"Nah I rather not lose the most important thing to me. But thanks for the offer." I smile and try to skip to the bathroom so I can lock myself in.

I have given all hope of trying to achieve things when it comes to him. Ugh! Why!

He pulls my wrist with one hand and my waist with the other. Houston we have a problem. All shreds of hope have left the building.

I chuckle quietly but he hears and positions my face towards his. What I hadn't noticed before was that his eyes were glowing yellow.

Where is Scott and Stiles' jeep when I need them.

By now he definitely should think I need to be in an institution. Laughing is its own sickness.

"Oh little mate how I can't wait to hear your wolf howl with pleasure." Ew that face though.

That hot, sexy, muscular, god- like face though.

See I told you that you liked him. Driah states happily.

Ugh you are so girly I'm surprised you didn't make me wear pink my whole life. I retort.

"Answer me!" he booms. Wait when did he start talking?

"Sorry I zoned out." finally I didn't stutt-

"You smell amazing." he says.

He begins to kiss my neck in repeated patterns. Trying still isn't my best subject, so when I try to suppress a moan it doesn't work.

"Let me hear you howl, Driah!" he begins to suck on my skin with such passion that my howls in delight.

M-m-more. Driah whispers in my head. M-m-mark m-me.

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