A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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Dylan's POV

I flutter my eyes open and take notice of where I am. I look over and see that I'm in his room again. I huff.

I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow the house down. I silently laugh thinking of my favorite childhood story. My head out of nowhere begins to hurt as memories from last night enter my head.

Looking to my right I see him with his shirt off and his right hand across his abdomen. I look down and also see that his hand is engulfing mine with somewhat suffocating heat.

Slowly my training enters my head as I remember how to get out of this situation.

My captured hand begins to carefully slip out of his grasp. Once it's out I quietly roll out of his bed landing in a crouching position. I notice that the bed is just tall enough for me to crawl under to get to the door. Remembering I have a wolf, I ask her if this is a good idea.

No and yes.

Care to elaborate?

No because he is our mate and yes because you will make it out alive.

What does him being my mate have to do with anything? I'm get frustrated with her by the minute.

I hear you and if you leave your mate I will die and you are piece of me. I turned into you not the other way round. Once I die you will die as well.

Realization hurts like a bitch but I'm going through with my plan. I'd rather die than be with him.

Crawling under the bed very sneakily, like little kids do when they try to scare someone, I make it to the other side without waking him.

I continue to crawl until I get to the door I grab the knob and stand. I twist it. It opens. Don't get too excited.

A gush of wind hits me causing am internal shiver but I continue walking towards the stairs.

I tiptoe to the door, look around and open it. The fresh scent of the wilderness infiltrates my senses causing my wolf to take over. We run towards the forest deep within and stop in our tracks.

What is it? I ask.

He is- suddenly someone grabs me and throws me over their shoulder. I try to kick, bite, scream and run like my brother taught me but I'm stuck.

The person carrying me chuckles. "I told you to not run from me."

We take off towards the pack house as my wolf sighs in content.

Girl much

Bitch much. Is all she replies with.

The person drops me on a couch then I realize who it is.

"Oh it's the prick. Or should I call you the big bad wolf huh?" I cross my arms in defiance.

"Why do you keep calling me that, bitch!?"

"Maybe," I tap my finger on my chin. "Because you are." I snap my fingers for emphasis.

"Just shut the fuck up! You're giving me a migraine." he begins rubbing his temples in circles a few times before standing and walking away.

"You know what? I won't call you a prick there is a whole other name I could give you." I can't wait to see his reaction.

This is stupid you know that right? My wolf bates me.

Why can't you agree with me once in a while?

"If it is something rude I don't want to hear of it and that's an order." i fake gasp and for emphasis I hold my hand over my mouth.

"Oh yes Alpha I will undeniably follow your direct orders." he smirks and I know that my plan is working. "Psyche! Dickhead!" I start holding my stomach as I laugh at the surprise facial expression he holds. This then wears off into that cold hard ass stare.

"I will not be-" I cut him off here.

"You will not what? Be 'disrespected'. Get used to it you are not getting any from me. No sir-" suddenly I'm up against a wall with his nose in the crook of my neck.

I shiver in pure delight. My wolf nods in approval.

"You know," he startles me out of my trance. "You're pretty hot when you're defiant." I can tell by the way his words are executed that his wolf has taken full control.

Where's animal control when you need them most.

"You know that I can hear all your thoughts loud and clear my luna." his wolf states kindly.

"I guess so but did you know that I can break down his walls too." my wolf replies equally as kind with a bit of a threat in it.

Go girl power!

Zach shakes his as he tries to regain control but not before his wolf says "I will see you again my love." Zach surfaces and takes a few steps back.

He looks up and stares intently in my eyes as if remembering my very pupil.

"You are not to speak to me in that tone again." he states boldly. "You are to go to my room and stay there until dinner and will not leave unless given strict orders otherwise. Am I clear?"

"Whatever." I reply nonchalantly and walk away whilst he calls for my return.

And as an I don't care move I flip him off and continue to his room.

Screw him!

When I reach his room I open the and slam it shut once I'm inside.

Doing an "aerial" onto the bed, I land with an oof.

"Awe relaxa-" before I can even finish Jarred barges into to the room out of breath.

"What's wrong with you" I snarkily ask. All I want for Christmas is relaxation oh relaxation!

"Alpha....told me to-" he falls to the ground out of breath.

"What did he tell you?" I snarl in complete disgust.

Who does he think he is? I ask my wolf. He's not my Alpha!

I know this but he has to be in control or else his wolf will kill anyone or anything around that shows any sign of disrespect. Even an eye roll will cause problems. You being disrespectful towards him is all the while badass, his wolf or he might not think so. My wolf replies.

Wait since you are your own being, I guess, don't you have a name?

It's Driah. I see her wolfish grin.

"Alpha told me to take care of you and to make sure you dont get hurt." Jarred suddenly states.

"And what do I need protecting from" I ask sincerely confused.

"Alpha Zack's wolf." Bloody hell.

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