You Little Prick

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Praying seemed so useful growing up. I prayed that I would never be face to face with a wolf after a family camping trip.  This-this right here is what I mean by God is looking down on me and laughing his ass off.

I stare at Zack with I'm guessing astonishment or annoyance but he looks like he might be about to blow his top if I don't change my face.

Looking I whisper,"Why the hell did you fucking KIDNAP ME!" I scream and attempt to kick and punch him bit miss horribly and wind up falling in the dirt.

I look up to look at his, probably, face but come face to face with mini Zack. I scream and look away quickly.  Zack chuckles and I hear him crouch down.

He smoothly guides my hands away from my face. Once off I continue to squeeze my eyes shut for dear life.

"You are quite immature. I mean you won't even look at me." his laugh seems humorless. "So I tell you now- open your god damned eyes now." I flinch but I do not submit.

"I will not until you cover that." he grunts but doesn't move.

"Then will you open up your bloody eyes?" I nod way out of my normal character. Suddenly I hear shuffling and footsteps.

Then someone, telling by the tingles the hands holding my now crossed arms I know who it is, pulls me to my feet roughly.

"I'm dressed now." he whispers. Slowly I keep my promise and open my eyes.

Looking down I see he is wearing khaki shorts but no shirt. Steadily my eyes begin to trail going up and stopping at his abdomen. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head.

8 pack!!!!! Absolutely on fleek!!!!!!

"Are you done eye raping me?"

Looking up,"Sure if you are done torturing me?" I shoot back. A smirk begins to spread on my face as my competitive side comes to full glory.

I win. I brag in my head. Again.

No you don't you stupid girl! Only alphas can win! Step back PUP!!

I jump in surprise and nearly squeak at his voice in my head. Instantly I go into a crouching position and start growl- wait what?! GROWLING!!!


Blinking repeatedly,"Did that come-"

"You? Yeah I'm surprised they didn't tell you." I gasp.

"Who didn't tell me what!?"

"Oh that sneaky son of a bitch that brother of yours isn't telling you anything huh? Well here's the thing I think I might just-yeah I will." he stops to think. "You are a wolf turned human. You and that brother of yours. Oh and ha! Why don't I ruin your whole image of your family. " I fall to my knees as he slowly crouches to my level. Again I growl at him. He puts his hands up in false defense. Prick! "You......Are.......ADOPTED and get this-" he dramatically pauses." they never planned on telling you!" I stand up feeling energy rushing through my vains. I trudge over to him and grab his hair and yank his face so that we are face to face.

"Ding, ding! Did you hear that?" I cup my hand around my ear. "That's elevator saying you will NEVER reach my level. No matter what!" walking away I pivet and see him with an odd look on his face. I, of course smirk, and saunter out of the woods.

Prick didn't see THAT coming huh?


1million: him

I sigh. Loosing, despite what english teachers say, is not good for you. I wanna win! That's what's good for me.


In the blink of an eye there is a shadow passes by and I stubble but quickly recover. Not being that chick in this horror movie scene!

I bolt as fast as I,well not, possibly can out of the woods.


While running I scream,"God why did you put me in this stupid situation!?" 

I suggest we run faster because I definitely don't feel like dying.

Who are you? I ask inside my head.

I'll tell you when we are out of danger. Now run!!!

Going even faster, I could see the end of the trees. I smiled and sprinted the last few inches but something pulls me back into something hard and stone cold.

It whispers coldly, "Don't ever run from me. AGAIN!"

"If you weren't a-"

"A what huh?" he asks.

"A prick I wouldn't run away.  Don't interrupt me again okay?" I retort. I smirk and walk away knowing I am so going to win this.

Taken By My Cruel Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now