Meet Your New Alpha

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Rising from my recent sleep I look to see I'm in a bed with blue satin sheets and a black comforter.

I yawn stretch and realization hits me. "This is not my bed." I state quietly.

"I know," says a manly voice that scares me. "Looks like we go a smart one. It's mine. And-" he pauses as if needing time to think. "You need to sleep elsewhere. My bed is off limits from now on. Got new girl?"

"Who are you? And do you mean by new girl? Oh and -"

"I'm Alpha Zach. That is the title you shall call me got it!" Alpha Zach snaps.

"Don't ever talk to me like that got it new guy?" I snap back. We glare at each other for what seems like forever before he turns and walks to the bathroom which is connected to the room. I won.
No you didn't I just didn't want to look at your wonderfully ugly face!

I scream and hold on to my head as I think about that manly voice in my head. Who the hell was that?

Me duh have you never done that before? I guess you are weak. I scoff at this who does this voice think he's talking to?

So you're dumb, ugly, and weak I won an amazing prize. The voice replies sarcastically.

Zach steps out of the bathroom, SHIRTLESS! I nearly faint as I gaze at his wonderful six pack. How wonderful. No not beautiful this guy is rude and disrespectful.

"Thanks I've been working out." He smirks.

"So it was you. Gross you can read my thoughts! I need to get out of here thanks for the bed but I should be at home chilling with a book." I say as I head for the door. "See you on the flip side." My hand grabs the doorknob but not before something grabs me by my waist and pulls me away.

"You are not permitted to leave without my say so. You can however clean my room since you're here. And, " he pauses. "Here I'll make a list of the shit I need done while you're awake and you go to sleep when I allow you to." He smirks.

"You can't make me do anything you crazy bastard!" I struggle against his tight grip. "Let me go you asshole!" I look back and see he's breathing really hard. I should not have said that.

" Yeah you probably shouldn't have." He flings me across the room and I hit my head. Ouch!

" What did you do that for!?" I cry out.

" Oh is the poor baby hurt? See you are weak! How your brother's stronger than you" he walks away without stopping to see if I'm OK.

"I hate you!" I spit out at him. He turns midstride.

"Sure you can't keep your eyes off me mate." He sneers and walks to a desk and begins writing something on a piece of paper.

He stands and walks towards me. On instinct I scoot away and use the corner I'm in to stand. When I'm on my feet I run quickly to the door and swing it open. I see a set of stairs as I'm running and quickly go down the stairs with the front door nearing. I hear something drop but I continue even faster.

The front door just within my grasp and in the blink of an eye I'm outside and going towards the woods. I push my body harder to run faster than I usually would during track.

A tree pops up here and there every few feet I run but I just keep on going.

"Get your ass back here! Now!" I hear Zach call in the distance.

"What," I smirk knowing that I am way too far ahead for him to catch me. "You gonna kill me, Mr. Big Bad Alpha? Huh?"

"I might as well since you won't do as I tell you!" he snaps. Suddenly I hear someone's footsteps hitting the ground behind me. I decide then and there I'm not going to be the victim in a horror movie and just run even faster. The footsteps seem to fade but I keep running at my same pace.

A few moments later I see and hear cars coming down the road. Yes now I can- I stop my thoughts as quickly as they'd come up. He can read my thoughts.

A truck can be seen in the distance. From where I am it looks like a bunch of teen girls so I stick my thumb out hoping they are nice enough to take me with them. I am right.

They slowly come to a stop beside me and roll down a window.

"Where are you headed?" the girl inn the passenger seat asks.

"Anywhere but here."I reply sweetly.

"Get in and tell us why." I hop in the SUV and buckle up.

"Ok so my uh boyfriend got super defensive because I was talking to his befriend. He thought we were cheating on him but no his birthday is coming up and we were planning a surprise party but he ruined it by chasing down for answers about what we were talking about. I didn't want to ruin the surprise so I ran as fast as I could so I couldn't spill." I explain.

"Awww how sweet." says the girl sitting in front of me. "Were you planning on giving something extra special later? Like you know at night all alone." she winks at me.

I purposely blush to top off my act. "Yeah."is all I say.

"Okay well we are on our way to party wanna come?"

"Sure why not." as we speed to the party I'm not so sure I'm dressed properly.

"Hey guys can we like stop by like the mall? I don't think I'm dressed appropriately for a party." I say after a few minutes of complete silence.

"Don't worry about it. We carry lots of clothes JIC." the girl said.

"Thanks. You know I didn't get your names."

"Valery." says the girl in the driver seat.

"Lila." says the girl in the passenger seat.

"Clea." says the girl next me. Lila and Clea stare expectantly at me.

"Oh yeah I'm Dylan." I smile. It isn't until now that I realize that my phone isn't on me.

I am going to have a good time without it or him.

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