Tip #11

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Okok im horrible and i havent update all summer kms
Ily all for still reading this


Tip number 11: Better make sure Bob isn't hiding and zombie bites.. The guy can barely hold a gun, let alone shoot a zombie.

'Carry out a daily full body check to ensure no one is concealing a bite wound.'

To be completely honest it's kind of rude to invade privacy, but hey, it's the zombie apocalypse, no one gives a flying spaghetti about privacy. This is actually a very essential routine which everyine should remember. I mean, imagine peacfully resting and one of your friends randomly transforms and randomly bites you head off.

"Oops.. Sorry mate, you should have checked for bites." Shrugged Bob as he took another bite out of Timothy's limp, lifeless body.

Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out with all this random shit, but hey, do me a solid and screenshot this tip and save it into your 'Survial Tips' folder where it belongs. Also, make sure you read it everyday and memorize it because it would really suck to wake up to your teammate nibbling on your arm.

"Oh, hey, fam. Don't mind me, I just magically turned into a zombie and just having a snack. You taste delicious, I recommend you to my friends hundred per cent."

And next thing you know a whole horde comes at you, but hey remember ehen you told that one kid to come at you, bruh? Look at him coming at you now.

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