Chapter 14

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(Niall's POV)

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. I asked the doctor before I came in if she knew about all that was happening to her, and he said no, because he wanted her to rest first and not put anymore pressure on her failing heart.

"I'm feeling better." she replied weakly.

"Good." I told her sincerely.

"What did the doctor say?" she asked coughing a little.

I knew she would ask this.

"Oh...uh...he said...-" I cleared my throat and started over.

" He said it was nothing you need to worry about." I answered, the least nervous I could.

She nodded not really convinced, I could tell from the look she gave me,but dropped the subject.

"When is it ok for me to leave?"

"I don't know. I can go ask a nurse if you want?"

"Ok" she whispered.

I left the room, and went searching for a nurse.


(Alexa's POV)

I wasn't fully convinced with what Niall told me, but I was too tired to push him any further.

As soon as he left, I sank back down into my pillow.

I wanted to sleep so bad, but this sharp pain in my chest wouldn't let me.

I started panicking because I couldn't breathe, and just as I was about to press the button that the nurse gave me in case of an emergency, I felt my eyes roll back, and I faded into the darkness that surrounded me.


(Niall's POV)

I entered the room where Alexa was at quietly, and saw that she was sleeping.

It was an odd position to be sleeping......

I went over to her, and when I saw the heart monitor, I freaked out and went to get the nurse.

The nurses came rushing in after me, and immediately started running all these tests on her.

"Her heart beat is gettingbto fast!" one nurse yelled.

"Sir we need you to leave the room." another nurse said, talking to me.

Before I could object, I was pushed out of the room, and the door slammed in front of my face.


"Doctor, what happened?" I said, trying not to freak out.

"Her heart is weaker than I thought. She'll need to have surgery soon, or it could be less than six months."

"Then do the surgery as soon as possible!!" I yelled.

Now I was angry.

"Its not that simple Mr. Horan. If we do the surgery, we risk putting her life in danger. She had a slight chance of making it after the procedure. But on the other hand, she could live and her heart would be stronger, giving her more time to live. Also, if we do go through with the procedure, we would need a legal guardian to sign some papers since she is not yet 18." he said, checking his clipboard.

I ran my fingers through my messy hair, and sighed in frustration.

"Her parents won't want her to have the surgery done."

"Well unless one of them signs papers, she cannot have the procedure done." he said. And with that, he turned around and walked away.


Sorry its not as long as I hoped, but I wanted to update. So, what did you guys think?????? VOTE to see what happens with Alexa and the surgery, and if her parents will sign the papers!!!!

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