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They're a group of teenagers who are bad, but sweet. Mysterious, but Wild.
All I'm saying is you gotta expect the unexpected from them. Ever since the Regis school excepted girls here, Leslie Shrader has joined this messed up school

She has no idea how she ended up here. She got expelled once because of something she got blamed for, no one really believes her when it comes to telling the truth, especially her dad
She thinks being dumped in a boarding school is her gateway too hell, but her dad thinks otherwise

The boys and girls were running the school grounds for training. They do this once a month, unless you end up taking a rest for a minute, then you do it twice a month.

Leslie was running beside Billy Tepper. Billy's one of her friends. And she must think she's crazy by becoming friends with an all boys group. Not one girl. Except for her.
People like calling them 'The Rejects' maybe because they're a bunch of assholes

He looked at her. "Ready?" He whispered
He gave her the signal. She kicked Joey's leg to let him know, and he told the others what to do.

Sooner or later, six or seven of the boys distracted the police guard standing by the gates. They took his stick he uses to hit billy. Not really hit, but try to hit. Or as they like to call it, his 'Billy Stick'

Joey got a huge brown sack and handed Billy an orange can of spray paint.
Joey kept watch for anyone as Leslie and Billy snuck behind a huge banner. Billy crossed out the word 'Regis' with spray paint, and replaced it with 'Rejects'

Leslie let out a slight laugh as Billy handed her the spray paint. She got off the floor and ran behind the bushes, she threw the can behind them. She turned her head to make sure no one was looking. Then she ran back up to Riccardo and Snuffy

Billy fist bumped Joey as they all ran back inside the gates.

Leslie was currently banging her head on the wall waiting for her Damn roommate to shut up

"Patrick, I already told you-"
She was on the fucking phone "Josie, Would you shut up?" She asked Rudely
Josie gave her a mean look and went back to blabbing to her dumb boyfriend

Leslie was pacing back and forth, messing with the bottom of her hair. She was pacing so hard her floor might break. She was waiting, obviously for something.

Until she heard a stick bang three times, that's her Que. she walked towards her window and leaned down to grab the stick beside her bed.

"What are you doing?" She heard Josie
Leslie rolled her eyes and ignored her. she banged it three times loudly hoping Billy, Joey and the others would hear.

"Come on they're ready, let's go" Billy dropped his stick and grabbed his backpack. "I can't go man, this papers due in the morning" Billy walked towards Joey who was sitting on his desk writing a stupid paper

Billy patted joeys head "it's good, it's good" and he slammed the book and grabbed his flashlight from the desk. Joey rolled his eyes and wore his cap backwards as he sighed. They opened the door of their dorm room, and walked quietly down the hall.
"I hope you know you owe me for this" Joey told him
"Yeah yeah" Billy said, carelessly


"Take it easy man, you're gonna break the window" Joey warned Billy.

"Am not" billy stated *smash*
yep, he broke the window.

Billy was holding a flashlight as they all walked through the dark room. "Come on" Billy whispered. Joey grabbed a metal table and dragged it across the floor and the boys did the same to a shelf. Billy unlocked a door on the ground as they all walked down the deep stairs

The Rejects | Joey TrottaWhere stories live. Discover now