Game On

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Leslie's POV

Our plan to save the school was now on. We were getting ready and running through it all.
We were in yogurt's room, trying to cut off the power.
That was the first step in the plan, cut the electricity off.

It worked. The TV or lights wouldn't turn on, that's good.
"Alright, great. Now let's go to the cafeteria. Are you all ready?" Billy asked.
"Yeah" said Ricky
"Let's go" Billy told us. He patted my shoulder. "Let's do this for Joey" he assured me.
"For Joey" I managed to say.
Billy nodded his head.

He laid a hand on my back as we went down to the cafeteria.
We saw all the students there, eating and talking. "Alright, you know what to do" I said. The guys nodded.

We went from table to table telling the kids not to worry
"Act normal, okay?"
"Don't worry, just act natural"

We also told them to go down to the basement with Ricky and Hank after they give them the signal.
Everyone agreed.

Billy went over to Derek and Ted

"Alright, the next guy that comes out of the bathroom, you guys go alright?" He patted ted's cheek twice and walked away.

Both Ted and Derek followed Billy to the bathroom.

Billy's POV

"Alright, any problem, you turn off the water" I told Ted
"Okay, c'mon" I watched yogurt's back as we headed towards one of the bathroom stalls.

I jumped on top of the toilet and grabbed the bar at the top of the stall.
This plan was a bit risky, but we have to do this.

There was a vent on the ceiling, which leads to the headmasters office.
Of course, yogurt and I were the ones to go in

"Are you sure this goes to the head master's office?" Yogurt asked
I opened the vent.
" positive" Billy assured.

Yogurt looked at him in confusion
"How do you think I got all his furniture out" Billy asked.
"Jeez, you're acting like we're gonna defuse a bomb or something"

Yogurt look at him in disbelief.
"It was a joke, yogurt. Lighten up"

Billy climbed up into the vent.
Yogurt grabbed the bar on top of the cubical, he stood on the toilet door, and he held onto the vent, yogurt pulled himself up and into the small vent.

"Be careful" he heard Ted whisper.
Billy and yogurt both crawled through the small, dark space. Only hints of light beaming through.

Billy checked his watch, then he nodded a bit.

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Everyone was in the cafeteria, eating.
Snuffy was sitting at one of the tables, drinking out of a milk carton.
He checked his watch. He knew it was go time. He checked his watch once more, before going in action.

Snuffy did what he knew best. He was gonna fake an asthma attack.
Snuffy suddenly held his throat, he pretended to choke.

He started inhaling heavily,

Inhale, again...
Again and again ...

The people around him noticed.
Snuffy was now turning himself into a bright shade of green,

Snuffy knocked down his tray, making it and others hit the floor.
He students crowded around him as he made a scene and collapsed on the ground.

He was inhaling, pressing his hands against his throat.
The principal and a bunch of others were on top of him, trying to help him.
The principal was trying to hand him his inhaler, but snuffy, being the sneaky devil he is, purposely pushed the inhaler away, making a scene as he continued to fake an attack.

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